Hospitalizations drop by more than 100 as Quebec adds 56 new COVID-19 deaths | The Canadian News

Quebec registered 56 new deaths attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic as hospitalizations fell Thursday.

The number of pandemic-related hospitalizations dropped by 117 to 3,153. This includes 235 people in intensive care units, a decrease of 17 compared with the previous day.

This comes after 231 patients were admitted while 348 left hospitals across the province in a 24-hour period.

Read more:

High January death toll partly due to Quebec’s slow COVID-19 booster rollout, experts say

Quebec also reported 3,956 new novel coronavirus cases, but officials have said the daily count is not representative of the current situation since PCR testing is limited to priority clients, like teachers and health-care workers.

Since the beginning of the health crisis, the province has recorded a total of 849,520 infections and 13,065 deaths. Recoveries topped 791,000 as of Tuesday.

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Meanwhile, the latest update shows 34,830 tests were given in screening clinics Tuesday.

The province also says 23,081 rapid screening test results were registered on its new website, including 18,271 positive tests.

The immunization campaign doled out another 78,789 doses of the vaccine in the province. So far, more than 17.4 million shots have been administered.

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