Hilda MacDonald intends to seek re-election as Leamington’s mayor

The mayor of Leamington says she will run again this fall.

Hilda MacDonald declared her intention to seek re-election on Monday.

MacDonald has been on council for eight terms. The last one was her from her first from her as older

For most of that time, MacDonald found herself in the spotlight of the pandemic and its impact on the migrant worker population.

She says as difficult as it has been for community, she says the focus can be seen as an opportunity.

“It was an opportunity to build some relationships with higher levels that we would not have had,” says MacDonald. “The premiere knows Leamington, Ontario, upper ministers know Leamington, Ontario. I believe it is opened some doors.”

MacDonald says her original goal in this last term was to build some bridges that either had had broken or had never been really established in.

“You know that first year I did a lot of that and it really helped us during COVID,” she says.

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