Here peace and then hope, by Albert Soler

How can the people of Madrid not give a damn about the ‘procés’, if they don’t even care about Franco’s grave? Taking advantage of my stay in the capital, I went to visit her at the El Pardo cemetery, hoping to find there the dozens of buses that were supposed to go every day to pay homage to her, but there was no one. Except, of course, her wife, who rests next to her, silent and discreet as always. Madrid is a town that lives in the present, does not seem to worry about the past and, wise as it is, considers Francoism as past and anachronistic as Lacism. And more at parties, which Morante has fought.

Here, what is being talked about is that Paz Esteban has been dismissed as head of the CNI and will be replaced by Esperanza Casteleiro. We go from Paz to Esperanza, the next spy chief will be called Caridad, or Mari Fe, or any other theological virtue, which seems to have a lot of weight in espionage, not in vain God, who sees and hears everything, was the first spy Paz is not dismissed for spying, but for spying badly, that is, for allowing espionage to be discovered, which is indeed a sin for a spy, even sometimes fatal. Let’s see if Esperanza is more discreet than Paz, at least that’s what the minister hopes Margaret Oaks, with a non-theological name and surname in his case, but botanical, which is why he had to pick the radish by the leaves. It will not be a bed of roses, in any case.

Being discovered while spying on some assholes like the lacist leaders, so useless that every morning when they get up they need someone to lay them down in bed and put their shoes on, is a reason not only for a sudden dismissal, but also for ridicule and jokes on the part of of all the world intelligence services, look, here come the Spaniards, speak up and tell secrets, they don’t find out either. One can accept being discovered listening to high-ranking statesmen, but that the Waterloo Vivales and their henchmen, who do not even live in the real world, smell the goings-on, is only understandable if the wiretapping incorporated publicity during the conferences between Moscow and the Generalitat, which is by no means ruled out, given the extremely poor state of public accounts in Spain.

-Have you been the one who just recommended that I use Indasec, ‘tovarich’?

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-Hey! I would think it was you, Vivales Vivalovich!

It is hoped that Esperanza will put a little order, that is, keep spying but be more cautious and diligent. For example, if the intelligence services functioned properly, Presidentorra would not have been disqualified by a court of law, but by a medical court. Any amateur spy should have told his superiors that the man is over there, you don’t need any wiretapping for that, you just have to see him. It is also true that the judicial disqualification -and there are already two- is accompanied by an onerous fine, while the medical one, in addition to not contributing anything to the state coffers, would also involve living expenses and medication. And, as has been said, the public finances are not there to be wasting them with Presidentorra, if for the same price he himself can fatten them up, blow by blow, fine by fine. In any case, that doesn’t matter much in Madrid, where Talavante fights this Friday.

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