Health does not offer an alternative for applicants with a positive covid who can not attend the MIR exam

This is the day. On January 29, more than 13,000 people play for a place as a resident internal medicine (MIR). The problem, they explain, is that they are not all there. Those who have covid are missing, to whom the Ministry of Health has not offered an alternative to sit the exam.

According to the instructions, those who are positive in covid or with compatible symptoms should not go to the test. Otherwise, they could face an administrative fine for various crimes. All this when the cumulative incidence in Spain is 3,078 cases.

It counts Sheila Justo, National Technical Secretary of Young Doctors and MIR of the State Confederation of Medical Unions (CESM). On January 26, he was consulted by an MIR applicant who tested positive for covid. “I was overwhelmed. He asked me if they would at least return the fees, he says.

The instructions do include the option that those who start symptoms in the exam “be transferred to a separate space for individual use & rdquor; so that they do not understand that the same is not done with the positive. To enter , they just need the DNI. No covid test or certificate is required. “They did not ask us for anything,” says an applicant at the gates of the Faculty of Education of the Complutense University of Madrid. the clutter.Different masks are seen, some double Cough are also heard.

Applicants furious

On December 22, Justo had a meeting at the ministry in which this situation came up. “We argue that, given the frequency of the incident, an alternative was offered, such as on occasion given to pregnant women or women who had recently given birth and could not go to their opposition. There is justice in this regard & rdquor ;, explains the also president of the Young Doctors and MIR Sector of AMYTS (Association of Doctors and Higher Graduates of Madrid). Health replied that they were going to evaluate it, but the answer never came.

“We have asked our lawyers to prepare a preventive notice of the absence due to force majeure. This is a way that opens up the possibility of appealing for the exam & rdquor ;, he points out. However, they hope that “a solution will be given & rdquor ;. For his part, The Minister of Health assured at a press conference that the examination is a “unique” test. That is, there will be no retaliation.

Estefanía G. is examined for the second time in Las Palmas de Gran Canarias. Last year, covid took the life of a family member. She knows that she is not the only one who has had to deal with “internal battles”. A few hours before the exam, it seemed to him “an injustice that in this time of pandemic, and after almost two years, Darias did not have an alternative to the inability to attend for health reasons & rdquor ;.

“On many occasions the examination involves a cost of 3 000 euros. There is also the psychological factor. A year without being able to enjoy life weighs heavily mentally. That they prevent you from going out of their control for reasons, when you see that you can go vote and many other things, it leaves a deep psychological mark & ​​rdquor ;, he adds. Therefore, he does not care if his positive colleagues presented an FFP3

Take extreme precautions

Juan (name changed) and Andrea González also criticize the Ministry’s inactivity. “It’s sad, it’s frustrating and it makes it clear once again that the decision – makers are not giving a shit about us. Because you can go to hundreds of events without the organization being sure you are negative, but not to an exam that will mark your future & rdquor ;, Juan assures. “They had a lot of time to find a solution,” González added.

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“I think all of us who presented ourselves to the MIR were more cautious this week,” she said. In his case, he did not leave the house for 15 days. “But no matter how careful you are, and even if you lock yourself in, if you live with your parents or people who go to work, it’s a little difficult to isolate yourself,” he admits.

“I was a few weeks without doing anything just in case, although if he has to touch you, he will, because sometimes you do not even know where you can get infected & rdquor;” Juan adds. Any precaution is little if they know they could lose the opportunity to get one of the 8,188 places named this year.

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