Grupo Proeza made difficult and humanistic decisions due to Covid-19, this raised the commitment of the staff by 8 points

Monterey, NL. Grupo Proeza made some decisions with a humanistic sense at the beginning of the pandemic: those who were complicated by Covid-19 were treated in private hospitals; cut a group of collaborators and followed them until they were placed in another job; he reduced the salary of others by 20% and managers by 50% for two months, and subsequently increased the commitment of the staff by 8 points.

This was commented by Leopoldo Cedillo Villarreal, CEO of Grupo Proeza, during a forum of Eriac Capital Humano.

Grupo Proeza, to which subsidiaries such as Metalsa and Citrofrut belong, with more than 14,000 employees, has adopted a humanistic commitment that is reflected in the four Cs: Conviction, Consistency, Communication and Compensation.

The company’s commitment, for example at the beginning of the pandemic, was, “that we began to have deaths in (the plants in) Mexico due to very bad Social Security, they sent people with Covid-19 and they died at home; As a company I could say, my responsibility is to give them IMSS, or I could take a more humanistic action, but it has a cost”.

“The decision was that the collaborators who were complicated by Covid-19, Proeza took them to a private hospital, accounts of 2 or 3 million pesos could come out, what is the return? The pandemic was a crisis where we lowered 20% of the salary of some of the people, 50% of the managers for two months, and we had to remove people because we were not sure if they were going to recover or not. Well, it turns out that people’s commitment went up 8 points after the pandemic, I’m interested in seeing you heal, it’s a matter of conviction, ”he said.

Another issue is consistency. In this sense, they carried out an analysis of inclusion, they detected that there were two cases in which men were paid more than women for the same position, salaries were leveled, and now they are trying to detect that this type of inconsistency does not exist and they act accordingly.

Communication, he said, is very dangerous if there are no actions that support it, it is useless for me to say that we are interested in you as a person, then we take out the transversal values ​​that distinguish us, one is humanism, the value is called we care are about you (we care about you), therefore, what is said must be accompanied by actions that support it.

The fourth C is compensation, sometimes the unwritten reward systems have more value, because they have to do with what you value, promote, everything has to be articulated with the human sense, he detailed.


In Metalsa, he explained, they have some chassis production plants, where the commitment of the staff is to be above 90 points, however, there is a plant in the United States, whose commitment is at 50 points, “we have not been able to permeate the culture , we have another plant in the state of Kentucky that has levels of 80% commitment”.

“Humanism is reflected in the commitment of people, a committed employee gives you 50% more productivity, because he sees that the company cares for him, I am interested in taking care of my company, there is a return on investment”, stressed the manager .

From:Maria de Lourdes Flores To: Rodrigo Rosales , ,

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