Gonzo: “In Afghanistan you talk to a guy in the morning and in the afternoon they wanted to load him up”

‘Saved’ starts this Sunday, 24, in La Sexta (9:30 p.m.) a new season with which, according to Gonzo, his presenter, they feel very excited. Because they have done great achievements: talk to the Taliban government spokesman of Afghanistan, with Barack Obama y Bruce Springsteen, with the activist Greta Thunberg, and they have extracted some statements from the Third Vice President of the Government, Teresa Ribera, on the price of electricity. That, look where, has been the most difficult.

How did you get the Taliban spokesperson to receive you?

Who is also the Minister of Information. It costed us. To get to his office he had to give us a test, an interview, the personal undersecretary. But he put us in a room with more people waiting, and after 15 minutes he said we could come in. It seemed weird to us. When we went out, an uncle, who spoke Spanish perfectly, told us that he was from Tarragona, but when we asked him his name, he hesitated and said John. They put it there to see what we were talking about. That was the test.

And did you respond to everything?

Yes, for about 20 minutes we were able to ask him what we wanted. In addition, we realized that it had a lot of power because that same afternoon ISIS tried to charge it. A terrorist blew himself up in a mosque, during his mother’s funeral, and did not hit him, but did hit 14 people. These things that happen in Afghanistan: you talked to a guy in the morning and in the afternoon they wanted to take him away.

Did you verify that everything that has been invested has not been of any use?

The film that the West tells has very little reality. Only three or four things have been achieved, like a little more freedom to dress and women being able to work and go to college. Although a cesarean section cannot be done without the permission of the husband. You cannot change a country that lives anchored in an era that has nothing to do with Western culture. What there has been is a lot of corruption. Each one has gone looking for their own and they have forgotten about the Afghans.

Who are the ones suffering the economic crisis.

We started by counting that. In a flea market where people sell everything they have. In Kabul almost all the people worked for governments or foreign collaboration agencies. Or at the university or colleges. Now that doesn’t exist. And many families lived on the income that the mother brought, who are now unable to work. In addition, there is a corralito: they can only get 200 euros a month. It is the perfect storm. Lack of security, fear. Those who have worked for the previous government or have liberal professions are unfaithful.

Are there many collaborators still there?

A lot. Pêdro Sánchez said that the evacuation had been successful, but it is not. We verified this with two aid workers, a doctor and a social educator who dedicated himself to explaining to women that they had their rights. These men are a threat to the Taliban. And these people live in hiding and without money because they cannot work. They were on the list to be evacuated, but they said no now, and they saw how other countries did take people out. There is a certain feeling that they have been abandoned.

With women at least it makes noise.

The Catalan journalist Mònica Bernabé told me that now they can’t wear makeup and wear heels is silly. The only thing that attracts attention in the West. And he told me about the cesarean section. Then we talk to a super brave journalist, who tells you that being a woman there is being nothing. You are by default a sinner and that implies that your father and your brother have to tell you what to do.

And this passes from generation to generation.

Women are often as macho as men, out of education. Getting this woman to speak depended on her courage and the open-mindedness of her father, who was a journalist for 40 years on television. But he had to come with his father and brother. And with a veil. Her father agreed to let us record her at home without him. But she has to go out dressed like a cockroach.

And what did Obama and Springsteen tell them?

It was a presentation and they were there to talk about their book. But we were only six media and it would be stupid not to take the opportunity to ask a question, even if it passes filters. Although there is a reading: you listen to the response of Obama who talks about what it means to be the greatest power in history and international politics after seeing 55 minutes of how people live in Afghanistan. It is context. And you can’t say no to having Obama in ‘Salvados’ and in La Sexta.

Another milestone: Greta Thunderg will speak for the first time on Spanish-language TV.

We were wondering how an 18-year-old girl will respond, with Asperger and who is a global icon, with what must be up to the noses of journalists and cameras & mldr; And we were very surprised. Because it is supernomal. She came alone, by bike and only asked that there be no translator and that it be in an apartment near her house. She is not that angry and serious girl. He accepted everything we proposed for the promo and laughed a lot in the interview, got into the jokes.

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And how will they deal with the issue of the rise of light? Do the electrics speak?

Knowing that the way electricity works has no signs of changing, we ask ourselves if there is a way that citizens, taking advantage of renewable energies, can reduce this dependence. And we go to a town in Spain, which has been bothered by its main economic activity in the summer, because the swamp has been emptied, and to another in Germany, where people earn money with electricity, because they sell it. Neither the electricity companies nor the employers nor the third vice president of the Government have wanted to speak. We went looking for her and got her to do it for five minutes. Even if it is only to tell why he does not give us an interview to talk about what the Government does to lower the price of electricity, and for that alone it is worth it.


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