Gobierno de AMLO planea crear empresa para explotar litio

The President Andrés Manuel López Obrador dijo este mércoles que su gobierno create a company for explode lithiuma vital mineral for electric and new car batteries.

“It has been decided that the Lithuania will be exploited for the benefit of the Mexicans, for the Mexicans. We will create a company of Mexico, of the nation, for the lithium”, said the federal mandate in its press conference morning more details about the new company.

The lithium is, in order to be understood well, it is not the governor’s name of the State, the lithium is the people and the Mexican nation “, aggregate.

López Obrador announced in October that Mexico’s claim to monopolize the exploitation of minerals while presenting a constitutional reform initiative on the subject that also includes a greater participation of the State in the market of electric energy.

At the moment, López Obrador says that in the country there are also concessions granted to exploit lithium that vigorant vigenters mean the companies accredited that are to empez production.

El lithium extracts mainly in South America and Australia, and China dominates the summit chain.

Mexico has litio yacimientos ubicados en su mayoría en Sonoradonde operan narcotraficantes y otras bandas del crimen organisado.

Although Mexico has not filed a lawsuit to ban new gasoline and diesel vehicles, it operates major car brands such as Ford, General Motors, Kia, Audi and BMW.



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