Gerardo Romero, new vice president of operations of Toyota Motor Sales of Mexico

Gerard Romero is the new vice president of operations for Toyota Motor Sales in Mexico, replacing William Diaz who since last April 1 began his management as president of Toyota Motor Sales and Lexus of Mexico.

Until a few days ago, Romero held the position of vice president of finance for Toyota in Mexico, a position he had held for eight years.

“I have no doubt that Gerardo will do an excellent job as Vice President of Operations. His years of experience at Toyota added to his personal values; will continue to promote unity and teamwork for an adequate commercial operation of Toyota in the country and, in this way, we will continue to focus on the future and thinking about the needs of the Mexican consumer”, assured Guillermo Díaz, president of Toyota Motor Sales and Lexus of Mexico.

The company reported that Lizette Grace is promoted to senior director of public and external affairs at Toyota Motor de México.

While, Marisol Whitewho has held the position of public relations manager since 2016, is promoted to senior manager of communication, public relations and social responsibility for all Toyota operations in Mexico.

These changes in the organizational structure of Toyota in Mexico are a clear commitment to transformation towards the future.

In this way, unity will be maintained in all operations, being faithful to the company’s values ​​and with the objective of continuing to offer the best cars adapted to the needs of Mexicans under the principle of generating happiness for all.

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