Gas stations in Puebla report sales at 50%, still affected by Covid-19

Puebla, Pue. The average sale of gasoline in the 500 stations that the entity operates is 50%, as a result of the low vehicular mobility that exists due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and that the businessmen of the sector expect it to improve 15% with the return to face-to-face classes from April 25, explained the local president of the Oil Vendors Organization (Onexpo)Rafael Zorrilla Alanis.

He explained that this percentage has been maintained since activities in non-essential businesses were resumed last October, although with some slight upticks, but that they do not change the outlook in a positive way.

He argued that despite having more activities, people rationally buy fuel due to the effects on their income and only consume what is essential for when the vehicle has to be used.

He explained that if the announcement of the return to face-to-face classes is fulfilled, it will help improve the sale of fuel, because the mobility of students implies that parents make a greater consumption, “due to the transfer from home to school and then to the center of work or the housewives are going to bring or leave the child, which implies a double consumption for having two cars”.

Zorrilla Alanís recalled that the lower octane gasoline is sold for an average of 20 pesos per liter, while the higher octane gasoline reached 21.50 pesos in the metropolitan area, with its variations, but people have stopped filling the tank, which many Sometimes it was enough for eight days at most.

He mentioned that in 2021 there were no investments for new stations and the 30 that were built throughout 2020 are opening little by little, since everything depends on the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) releasing the permits.

The leader stressed that these gas stations represent an important investment, but some will receive the product from Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and others are from foreign brands.

He indicated that the businessmen of the sector will be waiting for the return to classes, which will improve fuel consumption, but they do not expect it to be 100%, because since before the pandemic sales were at 70 percent.

He commented that in the week that the schools reopen they will see how consumption is, but they do not want to set a high goal, because with the current situation the forecasts change.

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