From unity to sectarianism, by Eulàlia Vintró

Fifty years have just passed since the founding of the Assemblea de Catalunya in the church of Sant Agustí in Barcelona. Its about largest unitary political event of the final stage of the Franco dictatorship and the creation of an organism formed by political, union, neighborhood, intellectual, social, academic, student, etc. forces. , ready to overthrow the Franco regime and open the way to a constitutional democracy.

In a country so used to considering “historical & rdquor; facts that will hardly obtain any memory is more than surprising and criticizable that this commemoration has not deserved a more significant echo in the political, institutional and media spheres, especially those of the public sector. It is evident that times and political circumstances have changed, that unity cannot be found within a political party or a coalition government, and that it is almost impossible for the diversity and plurality of political and social forces to coincide in objectives. common.

The Assemblea de Catalunya approved a four-point document, synthesized in a three-point slogan, ‘Llibertat, amnesty i Estaut d’autonomia’, marginalizing the necessary collaboration with the rest of the peninsular forces – they left aside the Balearic and Canary Islands- that coincided in anti-Francoism. Cohesion, the ability to mobilize and the expansion of members as well as the territorial extension made the Assemblea a unique, relevant and exemplary body for other countries with similar political situations.

If at that time the ‘party’ was the PSUC, everyone also agrees to recognize that the creation of the Assemblea was his initiative and that he took advantage of his presence in the majority of social, neighborhood and other associations to incorporate the various entities and communist militants into the new organization. This is how he has recently explained it Miquel Sellarés in an interview and has acknowledged that Antoni Gutiérrez Díaz, ‘Guti’, was the most creative and active responsible. It should also be remembered that the labor movement, specifically CCOO, promoted by the PSUC, was an active part of the Assemblea and contributed to its extension.

Thus, the Assemblea represents lto anti-Franco diversity, the ability to formulate a unitary policy and the first point and place of coincidence between centrist, socialist, communist, separatist, nationalist, anarchist and Christian, Catholic, agnostic or atheistic formations. On November 5, the President of Parliament, member of Junts per Catalunya, and the Ombudsman, secretary general of the PSUC in 1986 and president of Iniciativa per Catalunya between 1987 and 2000, convened an act in the Parliament of Catalonia to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Assembly of Catalonia. It was a good idea, of course, but its realization has been unfortunate, as it has been seen later.

The Bureau of the Parliament had no information or possibilities of intervention, Neither did some of its members nor relevant people from Catalan politics receive an invitation. which in their day were part of the Assemblea. The invitations arrived at very short notice, the room where the act was held was small and with little attendance, the eight people who intervened, who according to the president should be equal in gender, met this condition and curiously, despite the fact that four were Former PSUC militants, only the person linked to Convergència highlighted their relevance, together with the UDC and the journalist presenting the event, made contributions to the historical memory of the commemoration. The excessive number of speakers made it necessary to have little time to speak. Only the president and the Catalan Ombudsman had more minutes but they did not dedicate them to historical memory. The Catalan Ombudsman, despite criticizing that there is none, attributed to himself the obligation to speak about the present and its shortcomings. The president demonstrated once again that you are interested in manipulating history to make it coincide with his partisan interests and not with his role as representative of all the people of Catalonia.

The Assemblea de Catalunya, dissolved in 1977, maintained unity and rigor. Today, as this act exemplifies, sectarianism, partisanship and the lack of reasoning and knowledge are prevailing to face and debate reality. If we do not rectify, we will lose a lot.

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