Freed: Canada is the largest…compared

This year, more than ever, NOT being American is a great reason to celebrate being Canadian.

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It’s Canada Day weekend again folks, with exciting activities planned, from music and fireworks to Freedom Convoy protesters still complaining about our PM and our COVID-19 vaccination rules.

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However, a recent report on the performance of COVID-19 in the G-10 countries found Canada had the highest vaccination rate and the fewest deaths and infections of any.

But we complained then and we complain now (and I still complain about Quebec’s pointless five-month curfew).

But to be fair, it is a Canadian trait to complain about Canada. We constantly complain about our PM doing nothing, our government slow to act, our health system, our roads, and our climate.

However, despite this, we secretly feel that we are among the best countries in the world, mainly because the competition is so poor.

America has become a mind-bending madhouse that is abandoning women’s rights, gun safety rights, immigrant rights, and what is right.

The national days of our two countries share the same week and this year, more than ever, NOT being American is a great reason to celebrate being Canadian.

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There is a recent cartoon map traversing the US showing blue versus red states, with the tagline: “The American Dream, 2022: Go!”

However, it’s hard to find another place that looks much better. Since Brexit, Britain is a fractured country whose prime minister cares more about parties than his own party or citizens. France is threatened by fast-growing far-right, anti-immigrant parties.

In fact, Canada finishes fifth out of 210 countries and territories in the world in a recent survey rating civil rights and liberties.

So, however our country gropes along, it looks pretty good, or at least as we say here: “not bad under the circumstances.” This is a land where the worst controversy in years was the “WE Charity” scandal, over the awarding of contracts in a summer scholarship program for Canadian students.

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A land where we invoked a full-fledged Emergencies Act to remove some noisy truckers who were blocking streets and keeping Ottawatonians awake at night. That protest would have hardly registered in the US, where the former president would have probably led the occupation.

Yes, we have a lot of things to worry about: housing shortages, homeless issues, a passport fiasco, Bill 96, and no Canadian team to win a Stanley Cup in 29 years.

However, if we could export our politically placid lives to other countries, almost everyone on Earth would be delighted. Today’s world needs a little more of Canada.

Anyway, being Canada, I have no more to say because not much is happening as usual. So sit back and test your knowledge with a quiz on some pressing current Canadian issues.

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1: Is it worth a Canadian dollar now?

a) US half dollar
b) One hundredth of a tank of gas.
c) Three black balls
d) One US dollar X 1.6, plus 2.2 kg and one kilopascal
e) Ten percent less than in 2021

2: If you see a long queue on the street, it’s…

a) Quebec SAQ workers on strike
b) A supermarket with almost no employees
c) A restaurant with almost no employees
d) A passport office with all its employees

3: When you hear the word “Queen” you think of…

a) The parliamentary head of our country
b) A great rock band from the 70s
c) That great TV series, “The Crown”
d) The last royal Royal

4: Latest recommendations for masking COVID-19?

a) Masks are not allowed in stores, unless people look at you angrily
b) Masks in Westmount, not in the Plateau
c) Masks on planes, trains and masquerades.
d) Indoor masks around your neck, not your face
e) Masks for bank robberies

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5: What is NOT a problem at Canadian airports?

a) Loss of baggage
b) Flight delays
c) Passport delays
d) rude customers
e) Get infected with COVID-19
f) Obtain refunds for canceled flights
g) Purchase of new airline tickets

6: Which of the following prices has skyrocketed the most?

a) Wheat
b) gasoline
c) cheese
d) Hiring a queue for passports

7: Which is legal in Canada?

a) AR-15 Semi-automatic Rifle.
b) AR-10 combat rifle.
c) AK47
d) ATM

8: Which Canadian statue is not controversial?

a) John A. Macdonald (Montreal)
b) Egerton Ryerson (Toronto)
c) Nelson’s Column (Montreal)
d) Edward Cornwallis (Halifax)
e) The Statue of Liberty (Arnprior, Ontario)

9: Best of Canada vs. USA in 2022

a) Our abortion laws
b) Our gun control laws
c) Our immigration laws
d) Our life expectancy
e) Our border

10: The best reason to visit Canada in 2022

a) The time
b) Our dollar
c) Our maple syrup
d) Now you can!

Happy Canada Day weekend everyone!

[email protected]

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