Fonatur enters the environmental evaluation of the Mayan Train electrification project

Cancun, QR. The National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) entered three projects for the electrification of the Section 4 of the Mayan Train (Merida-Cancun).

The procedure would normally take you to the Ministry of the Environment and Environmental Resources (Semarnat) of three to six months to resolve, but after the presidential agreement that makes the Mayan Train a project of public utility and national security, the process began on November 23.

The works consist of the construction of electrical infrastructure for the operation of the Maya Trend in its section Merida-Cancun, divided into SET 1, SET 2 and SET 3, each of which includes an electrical traction substation, from which all the energy necessary to feed the railway system will be supplied.

Each one of the sets “will have a double connection in 115 kilovolt (kV) and will provide an output voltage of 55 kV. In addition, it will have other traction substations; They will have two Intermediate Autotransformation Centers (ATI) and one Final Autotransformation (ATF). On the other hand, it will have connection works to the National Transmission Network, a shunting substation and shunting transmission line ”, according to the corresponding environmental impact statements published in the Ecological Gazette of Semarnat.

“The construction work of the Mayan Train Electrification SET 1 project is expected to begin at the beginning of January 2022. The duration for the execution of the works including the infrastructure and equipment tests is approximately 24 months, 12 of them for the execution of the change of land use; Consequently, said activities are expected to conclude at the end of December 2024 ”, the documents added.

This project will be developed with the coordinated participation of the Federal electricity commission (CFE) with Fonatur For the execution, the commission will be in charge of carrying out the environmental studies and the construction of the high voltage electrical infrastructure necessary for the correct operation of the train.

SET 1, whose infrastructure covers the municipalities of Izamal, Kantunil and Yaxcabá, will have a cost of 907 million, 238,792 pesos; SET 2, which runs through Tinum, Uayma, Valladolid and Chemax will cost 29 million 537,416 pesos, while SET 3, which runs from Chemax to Lázaro Cárdenas and Puerto Morelos (the latter two already in the state of Quintana Roo ), it will cost 598 million 784,515 pesos. In other words, the total cost of the three SETS amounts to 1,535 million 569,723 pesos.

Fonatur In the Environmental Impact Statement (MIA), it refers that to avoid habitat fragmentation, the proposed sites for the location of this electrical infrastructure were proposed “preferably in areas close to the federal highway (Merida-Cancun), mainly due to its proximity to localities in the area and to other existing infrastructures that have the same character as the project proposed in this study (federal highways, dirt roads, electrical infrastructure), which have already caused a first and decisive impact in this aspect ”.

He adds that the location of the project also considers “compliance with current and applicable environmental and forestry legislation, which has issued the Semarnat, as well as other federal, state or municipal public agencies.

The foregoing includes the consideration of studies of territorial ordering, protected natural areas and their zoning, locating it in the areas where the installation of this type of infrastructure is allowed, in accordance with their respective decrees and current management programs, as well as any other regulation that corresponds, either by the type of project or by its location ”.

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