Foldable fashion, the solution to carry in your bag in case it is cold or raining

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“The idea came up in the summer of 2019, and it occurred to me but it was thanks to María. It was the year of our wedding. It arose from a daily situation. We were one summer night having something with some friends, in Valencia, from where We are. It started to get cold and Maria started to get cold and we had to leave because she was uncomfortable. So we thought if there wouldn’t be something that could be carried in the bag without wrinkling for these situations. That same night we looked and found nothing like that. We started thinking about it and decided that we were going to try doing it ourselves. ” Thus explains Arturo Gómez-Lechón the germ of Vardier, “the brand of just in case“As the motto of the company that he has set up with his wife reads, Maria Marti. It’s about a revolutionary new folding fashion concept in which the garments are jibarized when size of a mobile and can be carried in a bag. They are neither heavy nor bulky.

The business started in January 2020, it is not two years old yet. However, the mouth-to-mouth of the networks has already made them wear their jackets, dresses, sweatshirts, kimonos or famous raincoats such as the Marchioness of Griñón, Tamara Falco, the presenters Tania Llasera The Carlota Corredera or the actress Nerea Garmendia.

The two young entrepreneurs came from industry, they are industrial engineers, and before they had gone through several companies in the automotive, food, consulting sectors … but in folding clothing they saw a niche and they launched themselves fully. “Are pioneers in this. There is no great brand that has the ‘just in case’ as a reference. All our products are created like this, a raincoat in case it rains, a jacket in case it gets cold, a bag in case you go shopping … “, says María.

The pioneer jacket

The first garment they launched was the jacket. One timeless buttonless model, in one size and in four basic colors. Now they sell it in a party version, with glitter, “for weddings and christenings”, with fringes and the longest model, the brand’s ‘hit’ right now, which is being produced every month so as not to run out of stock. “We are replenishing as they are exhausted. For example, this week 400 raincoats are going to enter us, a product that was extremely exhausted,” says Arturo. “Selling through the web gives us a lot of freedom, you do not close yourself to any city or territory. The page is open to everyone, and in fact, in addition to all the Spanish provinces, we have sold even in the US and in some country of Europe “, explains María.

“People wear the clothes For the day to day, to go to the office [donde el aire acondicionado nunca está al gusto de todos] or to go out for a drink, and also to travel, to go for the weekend and have everything in a mini concept. A client told us that she was going to do a route through the US and wanted to carry everything in the luggage rack of the motorcycle, and she bought us dresses and jackets, but she asked us when we would take out a folding trousers for her next vacation “, says the co-founder, who defines to the brand’s public as “a mommy who always thinks about everything before leaving home, with an age range between 30 and 50”.

The brand started up shortly before the lockdown. Then came the closing of stores. “We were born with this concept of ‘e-commerce’ and we have focused on this form of sale “, says María.” Yes, for next year we would like to be present at ‘corners’ in stores, to see how the product responds on the street, “adds Arturo.

From size 36 to 50

In a very short time the Vardier catalog has been adding garments and accessories. “Being a very small brand, we have a lot ‘feed back’ with the clients, who ask us for things, “says the businessman. For example, now there are three sizes that cover the whole range, from 36 to 50. Over time there has also been a response to mens. “It was precisely this November when the product arrived, a sweatshirt that becomes a backpack. It is really unisex. A basic sweater, plush, but inside it has a built-in pocket, which is the fabric backpack with two strings on it. the one that turns when it turns. This solves the problem of when you take off your sweater and don’t know what to do with it, and you put it on your waist or shoulders. “

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And although they do not stop innovating with new products, such as black bag that have just been put on sale, with a strap and / or handle, there are ideas that are still in the ‘future projects’ drawer. For example, him footwear. “They have asked us for some type of folding dancers for weddings, but we have other products to develop before,” Arturo advances. There is also for ‘soon’ a compartmentalized bag to transport all the ‘vardiers’. Currently, they are already working on new models of dresses, longer and more elegant. And in pants … and even in overalls. “Mothers have also asked us for a ‘just in case’ as children – says María -. But here the problem is all the sizes that there are. Right now it would be to get into trouble, but it is one of the natural steps that we will have to take in the future”.


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