Financial Products Dad Must Have

In a few days, Father’s Day will be celebrated in Mexico and it is important to highlight that since most of them occupy the position as heads of families, they must have certain protections that provide financial guarantees in their home.

According to the Inegi, 67% of households in Mexico are headed by a man. In other words, they are the people who are mainly in charge of the economic issues of the home and therefore they should have certain protections that guarantee that in the event of an illness, accident or death, the family will have financial guarantees that allow them to face for a while the absence of the head of the family.

Products should have the head of the family

There are several products that the person who takes care of his family financially should have, the first and one of the most important is life insurance. There are various types, with investment, savings, traditional, at prices that adjust to the income of the person who wants to insure.

There are life microinsurance that cost from 100 pesos a year with sums insured from 15,000 to 100,000 pesos, there are also standardized basic insurances from 1,000 pesos a year with protections of up to 300,000 pesos or more.

Insurance with investment or savings allows you to accumulate money in a set period with life protection and often disability coverage. That is, the person defines how much they want to have in a period of five, 10, 15 years or up to 65 years and based on that, it is established how much money they should be contributing per year.

Another of the protections that should be considered is insurance that helps with the expenses generated by an accident, for them there is personal accident insurance and in case of an eventuality they have coverage for medical issues or accidental death.

Medical expense insurance is another product that should be considered in the family. Who will bear the costs caused by an illness of the head of the family if there are no savings?

These products provide protection in case of accidents, serious illnesses and can cost from 10,000 pesos a year to 50,000, depending on the age of the person. The younger the cheaper.

If you have a car and do not have insurance for the unit, this is something you should consider. It will help you economically face the incidents that occur with your vehicle. There are insurances with wide coverage that protect in cases of damage to third parties, theft of the unit, medical expenses due to accident and damage, the cost varies according to the car you have, but they can be found from 5,000 pesos a year.

Currently 70% of the cars that circulate in the country do not have insurance, so the risk of facing an event with an uninsured car is high, which indicates that the damages caused or caused will have to be dealt with out of pocket. .

These are some of the essential insurances that should be considered for dad or the person in charge of the family financially and thus have financial peace of mind in case of any eventuality. However, there are other insurances that can help dad, for example, if he has a hobby or practices an extreme sport.

According to the insurtech Sekura, it is important that parents know the various options they have to take care of their assets and that they are in accordance with their lifestyle.

extreme dads

If dad is a motorcyclist, there are insurances that provide support in case of total theft, civil liability for death, damages to third parties, legal assistance, road assistance, medical expenses of the driver and occupant, among others.

If you use the bicycle as a means of transport, there are specialized insurances that protect the bike from theft (with violence) and there are also personal accidents for cyclists. The cost of these insurances is estimated at 1,000 pesos per year.

“At the present time, parents have new needs, due to their lifestyles and hobbies. This represents a great opportunity for insurers to be able to innovate and continue offering solutions that help them prevent and be protected against any unforeseen event”, recently declared Natan Zetune, executive director of personal lines at Sekura.

It is important that before contracting a financial product compare options.

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