Feminisms will change the harassment protocols in the Generalitat

  • The ‘consellera’ Tània Verge wants the regional administration to be more diligent and not single out the victims

The ‘counselor’ of Equality and Feminism, Tania Verge, Tuesday announced that he intends to changes the sexual harassment protocol of the Generalitat to be more diligent, avoid pointing fingers at the victims and the people who should assess the complaints if they are adequately trained. In fact, his intention is for all the entities that are part of the National Convention on the Elimination of Sexist Violence to review and change their regulations. A group consisting of political parties, municipalities or social entities formed this Tuesday.

The intent of this dialogue table is basically political. “Protect the rights of women before the negationist discourse of sexist violence “, assured the ‘consellera’ Tania Verge. Another of the functions that this group will cover is the review of the protocols when a case of sexist violence is detected within these organizations.

The head of Equality objected processes need to be more agile, should provide guidance to the affected person, the investigation should be independent, with adequate precautions such as the separation of spaces, and also pointed to prevention, through “training and information maintained over time” among the staff.

Framework protocol in April

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The ‘conselleria’ expects to conclude the co-responsibility agreement in March; and in April it will present the framework protocol so that, for example, municipal protocols have common standards and at the same time are flexible to the characteristics of each municipality, or a guide protocol for regulations in universities.

The government’s initiative has the support of the parliamentary groups of PSC, commons, the CUP, Cs and PP; the municipal entities Association Catalana de Municipis, Federació de Municipis de Catalunya en Associació de Micropobles de Catalunya; of economic and social agents such as UGT, CC.OO, Ustec, Intersindical-CSC, Pimec and Foment del Treball; and the National Women’s Council of Catalonia.


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