False information to Mazda workers cancels salary increase: CTM

The Union of Workers of the Automotive, Similar and Related Industries of the Mexican Republic, of the Confederation of Workers of Mexico (CTM), who has the union representation of the collective agreement of Mazda, Salamanca, Guanajuato; denounced that the independent union (SINTTIA), supported by the Casa Obrera del Bajío, used false information to lead the workers to vote against the contractual negotiation -which takes place every two years- that contemplated the increase in salary and benefits.

The foregoing, after the workers were led to believe that the vote that would take place on March 2 and 3 was to legitimize the collective labor agreementwhen in reality it was “a consultation process for the comprehensive review of the contract, which according to article 390 Ter of the Federal Labor Law reformed in May 2019, from now on when there is a comprehensive review of the contract (benefits and salaries), a consultation must be made with the workers to see if the achievements obtained in the negotiation are approved,” said the spokesperson for the CTM.

In this way, “deceived” voted against the agreement of a 5% increase in salary and 1.5% in benefits, which will have the consequence that no increase will be applied to workers, at least for a month, time in which Again, a new negotiation process will have to be carried out with the company to establish a new agreement.

According to data sent by Marco Antonio Aceves del Olmo, secretary general of the Union of Workers of the Automotive, Similar and Related Industries of the Mexican Republicto the Federal Center for Conciliation and Labor Registration, there were 1,916 votes against the agreement for the general revision of the contract, while 1,673 workers voted in favor of the agreement.

In this way, the union organization will have to resume talks with the company and once a new agreement has been agreed, it will have to submit it again to a vote with all the workers of the plant, which total 4,305 workers.

The union organization affirmed that the documentation was submitted in a timely manner to carry out this process; and they argued that the way in which the workers were influenced with false information leads to canceling the agreement with Mazda.

“It is important to clarify that we cannot be playing with scandals, with political issues because we are talking about workers’ money, in a year plagued by inflation, where a good increase could be achieved in the automotive sector, because they are in the red and Compared to the other companies in the sector (it was a good increase), and thanks to the false information, the workers will not have their increase,” said the union spokesperson.


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