Extreme Madrid: over 100 meters of altitude and a “death” health system

  • Mientras the city of ownership of iman for those who come from Fuera, many of them Catalans, due to their lack of restrictions ante the sixth oil, the situation of the primary attention is aggravated by the day it was debited and the inversion rate

The distance between the bar and the terrace of the hotel Riu, located 100 meters above sea level on the Plaza de España, and the Guayaba Health Center, in the district of Carabanchel, it is 7.5 kilometers wide. But form part of distinct, irreconcilable dimensions, a años luz one of another. Hay colas to enter both houses, more or less of the same extension: 20 people. First of all, its integral sonrien, bromean, llevan ropa elegante y dicen cosos com “esto es increibble, nos lo vamos pas pas genial & rdquor ;. In the second the miracles are directed to the sun, a mar de toses recorre la fila y la prenda más comun es el chándal. If a week has passed, the workers of the center will be obliged to call the police wait for the news, for violent moments, of those who want to wait.

Madrid is a extreme city. Always this side, but the phenomenon has intensified the heat of the pandemic, with the president of the community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, convirtiendo la falta de restricciones y la “libertad & rdquor; to put a cane in the bar of a bar in a political army, so that the day passed may in PP very good results in the urns, and at different times investing in health care which other territory, giving the primary attention “Hundida y muerta & rdquor ;, following medical proposals.

“Sorry, our guests made a photo? & Rdquor ;, present a group of girls in the bar of the Hotel Riu, called Sky Bar 360º. The number is not no hyperbole: to 27 altar pieces, from the impression of being able to aggravate with the mane the temple of Debod, the lago of the House of Campo, the Congress, the Gran Vía, the Museo del Prado, the Retiro or the towers of the plaza of Castile. You pay 10 euros only per entry, the thirties of cerveza rondan los 7, las copas 12 como poco, los camareros llevan pinganillo, casi todas las sillas, sillones, sofás y taburetes stán occupid y hay una crystal ball passarela which communicates the two zones of the azotea, of 570 square meters. Mirar hacia abajo provoca true value.

“One more photo, by favor & rdquor ;, pide the group. His six chicas, all students, came from Barcelona and hablan in Catalan. Están en Madrid unos días para “disfrutar de la ciudad & rdquor ;, porque” aquí & rdquor ;, explain one of them, Sonia Roura, for 20 years, “live different form, breathe another atmosphere, more beautiful, with the people consuming and enjoying & rdquor ;. It has part reason. Mientras Catalunya vivió las Navidades bajo el toque de queda, no derogó hasta pases martes la limitationen de sociones reunions en aforos en la Hostelería yun mantiene cerrado el ocio nocturno, en Madrid se puede vivir, a grandes rasgos, igual que antes de la pandemic, as well as the omicron variant, which has undergone contagious levels of contagion, no hubiera llegado.

“Siento envidia sana of Madrid, all that is happening. It is an example for Europe and for the world. Ya me gustaría a mi que in Barcelona estuviéramos a ese nivel & rdquor ;, dijo Gerard Piqué the principles of the past November. The defenses of FC Barcelona defended the dialectical battle between the two cities and the Ayuso’s oaths, each of which can come to deceive itself, subverting the differentiated maddening state. Have a week, for example, in a meeting with the empress of the night, dijo: erratic and exchange management (& mldr;). A generation of young people marked by the pandemic are obliged to change their preferences in the ocio & rdquor ;.

By far, the sector applauded. The Autonomous Governor has been on the sidelines for the time being and demonstrated his mediocre iban in the good line. Catalonia’s companions have seen tenants close their bargains while calling them famous cell bottles. And it’s not that we think about envy, because it’s a word that has negative connotations. Pero sí sinten impotence prior to the closure of its administrations. In the meetings that we held with them, as with other territories, our miraban as we say: ‘I am the model’ & rdquor ;, signal José Antonio Aparicio, president of Madrid Hostelsthe main association in the community.

Sanitarios con escolta policial

El “Modelo & rdquor; madrileño, sin embargo, no consist only in power pedir canas has well entered the madrugada. Also included is what you call health center to quote, that nadie descuelgue the phone, da igual la hora que sea, y tener que acercarte hasta alli porque no te queda another remedy.

The Puerta Bonita center, in Carabanchel, finds itself in the bay of a modest edifice, of caravista ladrillo, and in the letter the little one is missing. tapado por las sábanas which tended the vecino of the piece of wood. Carmina Reyes, a woman of 25 years who works as a landlady in a bazaar and lives with her husband, her husband and his mother in a well-groomed piece, llega empujando carrito de su hija Sofia, of 22 months. The niece was very abridged, with a biberon in the manos. The tenses of fever vary from day to day, but have antigenic and negative tests. “We were already talking about being able to quote. Never descuelgan, so I have not done anything else that I would directly appreciate. A ver qué me dicen & rdquor ;, explain. For sure, hoy hay poca cola, for the cell, which anonymous pide “to avoid more problems & rdquor ;, since the last week is this a manifestation& rdquor ;. Of the medical sites with which deberia count the installation, continuous, only has four. Each one can read to access a media of “80 or 90 people a day & rdquor ;.

A little more to the south, in the Guayaba Health Center, agglomeration is the mayor. The atmosphere, much more tenso. “I’m punching the coke. It’s not cool! Eh, eh, el señor del anorak naranja, ¡no se cuele! & Rdquor ;, dice una mujer. The home of the media vuelta y se coloca el ultimo de la fila, pasando junto a una columna de blanco color en la que hai una today photocopy which says: “The responsibility of the sovereignty of the health centers is unique and exclusively to the Governor of the Community of Madrid. The important personal records and technical media did not allow the professionals to perform the adequate attention, as demanded the current moment & rdquor ;.

One of the workers, Silvia San Juan, Explains that the cartel despised the fact that it had two weeks to call the police in order to listen to the nurses, who had been asked by women to wait. “People get sick, se cabrea, and create that the culpa es nuestra & rdquor ;, dice. The thesis, al fin y al cabo, viene alentada desde muy arriba. On the 21st of December, Ayuso blamed the sanitation. “Someone to approve to hang his pancakes and not all want to work and get rid of the man & rdquor ;, signal.

To the cola in the guest

The problems of primary attention in all of Spain came to light. “La economic crisis, with the records of 2012, paro the contractions and has not been relevant. Additionally, many young women are exposed to extraneous matter, incrementing the professional deficit each time more necessary than the chronicity of one envyecida population and with more necessities to resolve from the primary. We are dealing with a situation of an important precaution & rdquor ;, argument José Martínez Olmos, who was Secretary General of the Ministry of Health between 2005 and 2011. And he reads the coronavirus, which he gave to the professionals “overbearing, agitated and stressed & rdquor ;.

But Madrid is also different here. Según el ultimate information from the Ministry of Health about sanitary facilitiesthe community only destined a 11.2% of the total at the primary attention, ahead of 18% of Andalusia or 13.3% of Catalonia. It is the lowest rate of return on GDP: 3.7%, compared to Catalonia (4.9%) or Extremadura (8.6%). The Autonomous Government ha presupposed for this year 8,784 million euros, 178 million less than those unveiled in 2019, before the covid.

“The primary attention is hundida, muerta, and there is no voluntary political change. In the case of pandemic we have no absolute nothing, we have no major – sustained María Justicia, responsible for primary attention of Amytsel medical union de Madrid-. When over two years of supremacy, of all during the pandemic, of the death of companions, of the cohesive labs of covid, of the people who have been provided with important secrets and that have psychiatric and psychological problems, of the extra hours that we have so much to pay, that the president will sell and that we will take the culprit impresentable e injurioso & rdquor ;.

An unreal halo

In the terrace from the hotel Riu, while so much, they listen to bromas, grandca carcajadas, el tintineo of the vases and cups, palmadas in the cleft palate. Have a day spent, on holiday. El atardecer es de postal. A couple of more media hours in the action selfies. And a little more than three young men did it differently. “Only then will the pen come to Madrid & rdquor ;, say one of them, Jaén’s legacy. Everything has a hall of unreality, not only compared to the health centers of Carabanchel, one of the most humble districts of the city, but also to the light of what is to come in other hostel deals cercanos.

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In full sex, this azotea with unbeatable views is an exception. Abajo does not consume so much. For example, in the calle de Ponzano, in Chamberí, where a kilometer is located around 70 bars, the terraces are desi desiertas at the time of comer. The interior of the establishments, toadavía more.

Only has one customer in the La Parroquia Cerveceria, that hoy ofrece as platos del día patatas a la riojana y boquerones fritos. During the electoral campaign, the local stage is adorned with presidential carteles autonomic: #YoConAYUSO, dean, together with a photo of the PP conductor with mascara. Now he disappears, but the permanent feeling. Aun así, el encargado reconoce: “Está siendo terrible. December passed the peor to be reckoned with, and again the same. Solo hay movement the end of the week & rdquor ;. Ni siquiera el madrileño resiste a la embestida de omicron.


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