Exterior politics without contraception

The actual austerity of contraptions and scrutiny in foreign policy matter by the Poder Legislative has the Executive and, specifically, the Senate of the Republic, has its roots in a deep-seated parliamentary culture of authoritarian rule over the hegemonic price regime , a vez llegada la alternancia politica, transitó hacia la simulationation parlamentaria.

Recent reviews of ambassadors and consuls by President López Obrador have led to a debate on the Senate paper as to the extent to which they are numerous and in particular, the historian Pedro Salmerón as ambassador to Panama and the Governor-General of Spain. Without embarrassment, the number of politicians or persons close to the circle of power of the Executive in representations in the exterior are not new in our country as well as the new subordination of the Camera Alta in this office.

In 2000, only the presidential alternation in Mexico took place, meaning that the first government was divided into two chambers in the LVIII Legislature (2000-2003). en la Cámara Diputados ni en el Senado de la República. The Senate’s exclusive faculty for analyzing external policy is specified in Article 76 of the Constitution, as well as the approval of international treaties and diplomatic conventions by the Executive, the ratification of emissaries and others. of the country, as well as various faculties with the armed forces.

The incorporation of new political forces into the Cámara Alta does not modify the power relationship between the President, the Senate and the External Politics and, by contrast, prevalence of the legislative amalgamation pact of the Sailing Front and the representations in the External Railway used as the idiosyncratic space for political co-operation and negotiation.

Eduardo Medina Mora, who was named PGR’s co-manager of Felipe Calderón, was appointed as the United Kingdom’s ambassador in 2009 and as the United States’ ambassador in 2013. Through a UIF investigation into 2019 for alleged acts of corruption and lava de dinero, renunció a su cargo como ministro de la SCJN, cargo que ostentaba desde 2015. El exgobernador de Veracruz, Fidel Herrera, quien cuen con un historio amplio de corrupción y vínculos con el narototrafico, fue designado comé conson de de carrera in Barcelona, ​​Spain (2015-2017). It is precisely the sign that the appointments for career counselors do not require the approval of the Senate. Claudia Pavlovich, who has now been named by President López Obrador to occupy this cargo, will correct the mistake. Porfirio Muñoz Ledo acted as Representative of Mexico to the UN between 1979 and 1985 and between 2001 and 2004, as Ambassador of Mexico to the European Union. Now looking to become Mexico’s ambassador to Cuba.

Since the fall of democracy, the Senate has renounced its paperwork as a contraption in foreign policy matters. Nunca has made some announcements to represent Mexico on the outside and only on one occasion the presidential election in 2002 (with Fox in the United States and Canada). On this occasion, the Senate will be working as a homeowner for some of the recent presidential appointments, more closely related to the interior of the Moorish residence in the Senate and the Chancellery, which has a high sense of political responsibility and compromise with the Service Exterior Mexicano.

Twitter: @Emer_Seg


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