Exhuman’s body of a baby in Sabadell’s cement to try and get rid of

The hechos are being reassembled three years later, when the mother tucks them into a hut in one Sabadell Clinic (Vallès Occidental) y poco despues the communicator that había muerto, sin que nunca pudiera ver el cuerpo de la pequeña. Now, without embarrassment, the appearance in a television program of a very chic woman appears on his other side ha hecho levantar todas las sospechas, hasta het punto de que se authorizado la niche opening to know if there is any body within the ataud, and that, in the case that exists, determine whether to treat the biological hija of the female.

The mother is Carmen Navarroa vecina del barrio sabadellense de Ca n’Oriac which in the 90s was transferred to live in Seville. And 1990 you have a premature baby in the ancient clinic of Nen Jesusdonde la niña recién nacida estuvo en la unidad de prematuros y donde la madre la visitaba todos los días.

“By repente, sin ninguna enfermedad ni asomo previos, los médicos le comunicaron que la niña había muerto, and the entregaron un ataúd ya cerrado, sin que en ningún moment viera los restos de la pequeña “, explica Fernando Osunaabogado de la familia.

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Although they are suspicious and have some suspicions about the crime, the family is happy with their life, Andalusia. Without embarrassment, in the 2020 a hecho sobresaltó a la mujer.

“One day he was watching a television program and he saw a participant who had keyed in another day that he had, and wanted to talk to.” If the program of Antenna 3 ‘Ahora caigo’where the contestant, assures Osuna, was able to appear on the other side where the podium would be watered down.

This is the chispa that started the procedure, which led the Navarro lawyer to ask for it niche opening donde enterraron el ataúd con los restos, supuestamente, de la niña.

Get samples to make an analysis

“There are indications and suspicions that a case of baby baby“,” said Osuna.

The objective is, in the case of haya restos, recoger muestras to perform an analysis and determine if there really is one Genetic relationship with the biological parents’ prescriptions.

“If I do not have the body and the thumb to store, I will find the remains of another person who is not the client of my client, empezaremos a movernos to warn who is the chic that appears on television, locate and talk about what has happened “, Osuna said, who consider it a” preoccupying “theme.

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In case it is determined that if a robotic baby is treated, a legal battle only to recognize the legitimate paternity, also for castigate to those who are separated from their parents.

“In the event that this happens, the mother will present a quarrel against the people in charge of the victims,” ​​said Osuna. It is located in the diana of Navarre in the sanitary who participate in the care of the baby, from the medical hasta los nursesasí al como al office staff framed to certify the failure of the minor.

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“It deals with a crime of staffing, forgery and sequestration,” he points out, adding that the Criminal Code condemns the entry of a baby without the authorization of his parents, whether he has been through the page or someone else.

Mast Sabadell’s news in the local edition of EL PERIÓDICO


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