Eurovision take over Chanel: who is the winner of the first semifinal of Benidorm Fest

If there are any that you can profile to represent RTVE ands Chanel Terrero, the winner of the first semifinal of Benidorm Fest, this festival focused on selecting who can avoid, after all, Spain queda in the cola of the classifications. With that, while you are still defending it latino and urban theme ‘SloMo’, that he has spent the time of gold, he has exponentially increased the possibilities of this young Cuban-Catalan who, like the good perfumes – who contain gold in a small envelope– . I have no choice but to say that Eurovision Song Contest for Chanel.

Who has not already done the place of action in musicals like ‘Flashdance,’ Nine ‘,’ El Rey León ‘,’ El guardaespaldas‘o’Malinche‘, o solo la recuerden en su facet de actriz de television series –‘Águila Roja’, ‘El secreto de Puente Viejo’, ‘Gym Tony’, ‘El continental’ …-, or in the film of Agustí Villalonga ‘El rey de La Habana’, quizá no la ubiquen como cantante. Pero lo es, tanto como bailarina, como demuestra desde hace años en los scenarios, donde canta y baila. All in all. And it’s done well. A passion for the staged arts that is the life of the lion. From many places. Cuba, pais en el que nació en 1992 y del que se vine con 3 añitos de la mano de su enamorada mamá, una uncondicional de la desiñadora francesa, la culpable de que la cantante vaya por el mundo con un nombre que exuda glamur.

With a deep Catalan accent of Olesa de Monserrat (in the second world) cuando habla castellano – lo que hace que si uno cierra los ojos olvide sus origenen que, al abrirlos, recuerdan su dorado color de piel y sus exóticos rasgos–, Chanel cuenta que poco a poco ha ido cumpliendo sueños. How to rent with Shakira ‘Loca’ and ‘Waka Waka’, in 2010, in los MTV Europe Music Awards. “The ‘Suerte’ was the first video we saw in my life. Y estar allí subida al scenario, con ella dandolo todo, la gente gritando & mldr; Beyoncé sent me & rdquor ;, confessed in an interview with EL PERIÓDICO. Haber comenzado de muy pequeña con cantos de canto y piano, gimnasia rhythmic y danza en la Royal Academy of Dance y con bailarines de la talla de Víctor Ullate, Coco Comín y Gloria Gella habían dado sus frutos.

As far as the sentimental plan is concerned, so now that he’s interested in getting his fans involved, the latest blog post on Instagram is here Víctor Elías, the little Guille, from ‘Los Serrano’ (and the first of the Latvian kingdom), which is currently professional music. Although there is a time when no photos are taken of his passionate relationship. In all modes, she has lived intensely the last months dedicated to body and alma (making a lot of money and without towers), persuading a new sueño: the of participate in Eurovision. “A series of pics in my life that I can sing against my nets & rdquor ;, insure. El mercoles dio un paso más.Y quizá lo celebró con un ron cubano y una buena paella como había planeado.

De ella dice, Nacho Cano, quien la tuvo como protagonist of his musical ‘Malinche’, que es una “fiera luchadora & rdquor; and that the contest is a platform “to quarrel, to supersede, for a discographical support by the & rdquor ;. Quiz next to Chanel’s number will not only record a perfume. In time.

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