ERC threatens with the amendment to the totality of the Budgets before the attitude of the PSOE

  • The notices of Junqueras and Vilalta have not motivated any reaction in the socialists

  • The dialogue table enters the discreet phase, but too slowly for Esquerra

In the 2019 generals campaign, Gabriel Ruffian coined a phrase that has already become a kind of mantra in ERC. You could almost say that they are about to translate it into Latin and put it on the frontispiece of the entrance to the headquarters on Calle de Calàbria. The leader of the Republican ranks in Congress said, on account of the political solution to the conflict, that the PSOE “He only negotiates if he is forced to.”

All this is relevant because the calendar pages are falling without the Republicans perceive a real interest from the socialists for sitting down to negotiate on trains, the audiovisual law and other issues that Esquerra wants to be framed in a budget pact. AND there is some impatience, especially after on Saturday 16 and Monday 18, Oriol Junqueras and Marta Vilalta already demanded the opening of the negotiations and the reaction has been minimal.

Sánchez, concatenated

It is not that Republicans do not read the newspapers and have not seen the chain of events that it has had Pedro Sanchez in the last weeks. Namely, a party congress, which implies a change in internal dynamics, just when the PSOE has to sit down to negotiate. A State pact, with a photo with Pablo Casado included, with the PP for the bodies pending renewal (CGPJ apart) and a beginning of mutiny within the Government on behalf of United We Can, who sees with displeasure as the vice president Nadia Calvin try to enter the violet natural space leading the repeal of the labor reform.

But how would i say JunquerasSurely everything is true at the same time, but in addition, the Republicans, who already presume to know their adversaries by heart, detect a certain willingness to delay time on the part of the PSOE. And leave ERC no room for maneuver to access the parliamentary processing of the accounts.

One accounts, two choices

The maneuver reminds them of the negotiation of the 2019 budgets in which Sánchez left, according to his version, to the republicans in guarete, waiting for you, just for not favoring the options for the right to regain power, ERC will support their accounts. It was not so. And despite the favorable opinion polls, it took Sánchez two elections to get back on track. Hence the reminder of Junqueras: “We already knocked down some budgets & rdquor ;.

On Friday, the deadline for submitting amendments to the entire budget law ends in Congress. That ERC, the in principle, main partner of the coalition in Moncloa registers one is not a chimera. “It is one of the options we have on the table & rdquor ;, with a week to go” and it is not at all ruled out & rdquor ;, says a party source. Something more restrained than another that, without ambiguity, and as a form of pressure advocates, “At the very least, threaten to present it & rdquor; and see the reaction. It is clear that it would be, in any case, an aesthetic measure because, as already happened in the law of historical memory, it would not have the necessary support to move forward in parliament.

Wall of misunderstanding

All the sources consulted agree that in none of the matters that depend directly on the Budgets has there been any progress. Neither in regard to the presence of Catalan on television platforms, via the audiovisual law. Republicans see a wall of misunderstanding in this matter, although they hope to be able to carry out some kind of protective quota for the language. In Madrid, ERC believes, do not quite understand the importance that Republicans, and very singularly the ‘president’ Pere Aragonès, gives the question. Without going any further, last Friday, in his meeting with the Balearic president, Francina Armengol.

Likewise, Esquerra warns that the idea of ​​the captive vote, without room for maneuver, wears them out in front of their rivals and yet partners of Junts who accuse them of surrender.

And the table for dialogue and negotiation due to the political conflict? The discrete phase has already been entered, as announced in its day. There have been movements and preparations, but the parties are very careful not to communicate anything. Especially the Republicans who have made this forum the standard, and reason for support in Congress for Sánchez.

In expectation

If ERC’s ‘yes’ to the Budgets really will depend on the dialogue table moving forward significantly, as Esquerra said, and that has to suppose, as they abounded, that the Government drafts a political resolution proposal, many things should happen in the next few weeks.

Related news

The third front, after the parties and the governments, is the institutional one, via the State-Generalitat bilateral commission. The contacts are continuous and the technical teams of the ministries and the ‘conselleries’ are expected to meet in the last week of this October to pave the way for agreements.

To all this, it must be said that the negotiating will of the party that holds the presidency of the Generalitat is total. Among other reasons, because it requires that the new Budgets, with higher income and items be approved, for a better pass of the Catalan legislature.

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