Energy: Imported into the EU Rector’s Office?

Mal harian in Palacio Nacional in creating a lot of officials of officialism that create that the objections of the Gobierno of United States to the Electric Reform his son oppose the rector of the State in the energy sector.

Concluding results from the ideological and frenetic competence of the palatial competence to be reconciled as the best defenders of the presidential initiative of Electricity Reform, to be well, to declare in Christian.

While living in San Lazarus, State Secretary Kenneth Salazar quizzed that he had never visited the State Rector’s office in the energy sector, so much so that since mid-summer sailing, there has been room for Northwestern inversions.

GM en Silao, ya está feliz la AFL-CIO

Anniversary celebrations of the “observers” of the AFL-CIO, the large syndicated union conglomerate, because now there are the results of the election of the union board of workers in the GM plant in Silao.

The AFL-CIO reviews the previous results, as it complies with the meta-assessment of the automotive industry in the Confederation of Mexican Workers, and the CTM, validating the objectives of North American trade unionism.

The productive branches of the Abarcan industry in Mexico, the United States and Canada. The AFL-CIO has an interest in controlling Mexican automotive unions, as well as controlling Canadians. Free elections? Humbug, diria Scrooge.

National Guard: Do you have federal police work?

Announcement by the Secretariat of Security and Protection Ciudadana Rosa Icela Rodríguez that this is a list of the presidential initiative that proposes that the National Guard be not dependent on it, without the Secretariat of the National Defense.

In strict jurisdiction, the law will only be valid if it is realized, the title of the SSPC does not control the Guardia. Eso, al final, es lo de menos. It is up to the Guardia to assign the tariffs to the Federal Police.

The question is whether the youths of the National Guard have the capacity to make the areas of federal preventive police. In Sedena hay personal instructor muy capaz. Do not compromise on the young guards compromising the high military mandates.


In Querétaro alistan the Theater of the Republic for which, as before, the Powers met to commemorate the 105th Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Constitution of 1917. This ceremony records all that the Great Pact of the 17th is a political pact , results of negotiations and consensus … It was announced on February 3, that the United States Ambassador was meeting with the Sedena holder, but it was not said that he was also meeting with the Marina. Dejó claro that will be the only way to communicate with the state agencies with the Mexican government … Although officially there is optimism about the Covid pandemic, it is true that in Mexico, real clinics and hospitals are very personal, is incapacitated by the pandemic. And annularon contratos a los convocados el aoo pasade … La más antigua sabiduría árbe advierte algo pertinente al tiempos de “dialog”: “Los ojos no sirven de nada a un cerebro ciego” …

José Fonseca

Political Periodical

Political Café

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