EL PERIÓDICO launches its ‘afterwork’ conference series with Òscar Camps

THE NEWSPAPER has chosen the founder and director from oenegé Open Arms, Òscar Camps, to kick off his lecture series afterwork. The guest’s testimony, of great value, on the migratory crisis in the Mediterranean can be heard on Thursday October 28 at 19.00 hours in the auditorium of EL PERIÓDICO.

All the readers will have the possibility to participate in the debate by sending their questions ([email protected]), which will be answered by the guest and subsequently collected in the chronicle that will be published reporting the event.

When Camps saw the image of Aylan Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian child of Kurdish origin who was found drowned on a beach in Turkey in 2015, decided to contribute his grain of sand to alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe that is being experienced in the Mediterranean, where thousands of people trying to reach Europe have lost life. The impact was such that he could not remain indifferent.

Thus was born Open Arms, an NGO that has acquired a international recognition for their rescue work at sea and for denouncing the inoperativeness of governments and institutions. The pandemic has not prevented them from continuing with their work, nor has the attempt by some governments, especially the Italian, to criminalize their work.

The humanitarian adventure from Camps has been the basis of the recently released film with the title ofMediterranean, starring Eduardo Fernández, Anna Castillo and Dani Rovira.


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