Educació plans to send an instruction to schools about the ruling of the TSJC and Spanish

  • Cambray will make the decision after listening to the directors of the centers and Som Escola

The Department of Education plans to send a instruction to the directors of educational centers of Catalonia in which they will give clear indications of how they should act before the resolution of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) that has given 15 days to the ‘conselleria’ so that the schools begin to teach 25% of the classes in Spanish . This is how the ‘conseller’ has advanced, Josep González-Cambraythis Thursday in statements to ‘Els matins de TV-3’.

“We have 15 days. We are going to talk to everyone and analyze the situation. It is very probable that we end up sending an instruction if that is the best way to protect the decisions of our educational centers”, he pointed out. “The highest priority is protect addresses of the centers”, he added. The ‘conseller’ did not want to advance what those instructions will be. “Let’s see what the best formula is.” He pointed out that the most important thing is to “avoid” the TSJC directly addressing the schools.”I will do whatever is necessary to protect the management,” he insisted.

Cambray has explained that he will make the decision after speaking with those affected. This Thursday he meets at the Palau de la Generalitat, along with the ‘president’, Pere Aragones, with the Permanent Board of Directors of Centers and on Friday, with Som Escola. Based on these meetings, the Department will make a decision.

In fact, these days, after knowing the decision, there have been many directors of centers and teachers who have demanded clear instructions from Cambray on what to do. In his statements to the media, the ‘minister’ has insisted on conveying “calm” and that “they continue working as they have done up to now”. “It doesn’t change anything,” he has assured them.

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Words that do not reassure many directors, who are aware of the personal consequences that non-compliance with a court ruling may have. That is why they demand a legal umbrella from the Government. In this regard, Cambray has assured that he will personally assume all the responsibilities before the TSJC.

Apart from this route, Educació is already preparing the appeal to the interlocutory of the TSJC of the sentence. Cambray has recognized that the appeal does not stop the term for the forced execution of the sentence: 15 days.

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