Editorial I The Canet school and coexistence

Faced with situations that may lead, due to spurious interests, due to hidden political intentions, in a serious deterioration of coexistence, we must bear in mind both the historical process lived up to now and the real circumstances in which it is found the education system in Catalonia. It should be remembered that the process of linguistic normalization in favor of Catalan begins in the Transition and culminates in an immersion system approved by a majority consensus, which sought to give impetus to the country’s own language without prejudice to Castilian, with the objective that, at the end of the compulsory education stage, students would have a full competence in both languages. This process, lived normally over the years, was cut short as a result of the sentence against the Statute, in an appeal filed by the PP with its campaign against, issued by the Constitutional Court in 2010, which considered Spanish also as a vehicular language in school, without specifying a percentage that, later, with the sentences, appeals and resolutions of different courts, has been established globally in the 25%, applicable to all Catalan centers.

Of those powders, these muds. Without undermining the individual right of families and taking as a premise that the coexistence is the most important value and to which all institutional efforts should be dedicated, the truth is that there have only been, in the last ten years, 80 claims, in a general context of wide acceptance of Catalan linguistic legislation. In this process, political forces that have used the vehicular language as a battlefield have intervened and there have also been interference from the judiciary, without any pedagogical considerations.

And we come to the case of the Turó del Drac school, in Canet de Mar. The TSJC adopts precautionary measures in which the center is ordered to teach 25% of the classes in Spanish and, from here, a confrontational dynamics whose only victims are the students, their families and the school context in which they move. It is unacceptable that justice is placing the weight of the law on a specific center and on those responsible, and even more so after the Supreme Court dismissed the Generalitat’s appeal in November. This is a problem that must be solved at the general system level, with the appropriate measures established by the educational administration. Otherwise, what is happening in Canet occurs, an episode in which any type of threat or coercion must be fought, no matter how small, and in which the will to coexist in peace, without exaggerations or excessive political maneuvers. Even more so, when we are talking about minors. The law must guarantee the knowledge of both languages ​​from a pedagogical project that ensures that such a thing is possible in the real context of each center, taking into account that all this passes through a central role of the Catalan language without this implying a cornering of the other official language of the territory. The role of administrations and political actors is not to poison the situation but to facilitate the civilized educational process based on consensus and without having to enter into a specific casuistry, which can only cause a discomfort that is neither real nor global in Catalan society.


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