Editorial | Do not go back to your old ways

Just when it is six months after its incorporation, the government of Pere Aragonès passes its worst moment with the negotiation of its first budgets that, a few hours after the vote on the amendments to the whole, are still in the air. The CUP has once again been, as after the 2015 and 2017 elections, the protagonist of politics in Catalonia, although it is a formation that has vocation of ‘outsider’ and returns to its origins at the slightest opportunity and with a decision-making procedure that is the antipodes of the transparency that it requires in the institutions. The CUP is within its right to be how its militants and voters want it to be. What is not understood is that two parties, Left and Together, who aspire to be serious and who in recent times publicly bet on preserving the institutions of the independence struggle, dance to the sound of a formation that committed itself for two years to the presidency of Aragonès and that has left him hanging, and released, to the first change, and not done for anything that has to do with the budget that is voted. To finish complicating the situation, the search for a way out of the CUP has led to a public show of disaffection among the government partners as in the worst moments of the previous legislature.

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