Editorial | A fiscal route

The meaning of Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea (TJUE) against the penalties established for the failure of the Declaration of property or rights issued in the foreign country Travels of the model model 720 open various inconsistencies relative to the consequences that can be given to particular, companies and error. Entente the TJUE that the 720 model violates the principle of free circulation of capital in the interior of the European Union, which is contrary to the imprintability of the violations violated by the norm and that establishes a disproportionate sanctions regime for abusive, however, it can oblige the Administration to devolve a minimum of 230 million euros captured in various processes of floristry of property in the exterior.

Fue el Governor of Mariano Rajoy which in 2012 approved the standard, directly vinculada a la amnistía fiscal -which in this case topo with the Constitutional Tribunal-, with the proposal to establish a mechanism of regularization. The Ministry of Home Affairs directed by Cristóbal Montoro reserve a medium the function of palo, ya la otra, la de zanahoria. The 720 model is expected to mix from 2013 onwards, with sanctioning procedures starting in 2019 ahead of the possibility that European magistrates will be disabled. This act of prudence has fully justified the visitation of the sentence. Now he has a compass of hope ahead of the probability that those who are sanctioned will be able to proclaim the devotion of the satisfied to Hacienda.

More from varapalo de la justicia europea with a deficiently argued sanctioning regime, which only affecting proselytizing offenders would also allow immigrants with properties in their country of origin and requiring a readjusted technique that Gobierno had in mind, the TJUE had planted that would be penalized capital circulation in the EU. Certainly, I should have recourse to avoid the occultation of property with the proposal of tax evasion, and the application of the standard now allowed has allowed to raise 88,000 million euros. But in the normative communitio market it is not possible to take into account the evasion of capital in control and taxation areas more than lax measures taken by the frontiers of the Union and the circulation and position of capital and property within the communal economic space, with information exchange procedures that nothing to do with the opacity of tax havens.

The European Union has a subject assignment on the subject of fiscal harmonization, that any more member states are available to abort. When the United States proposes the homogenization of corporate taxation for large companies, it is precisely in line with evasive practices and fiscal competence that the European Union’s most influential voices are taking part in many initiatives. The truck does not follow standards that can be maintained by the free circulation of capital and property in the interior of the EU, by the replanting team, in the sense of the Vineyards, tributary models such as Ireland, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, clearly oriented to the practice of tax havens. Moreover, by supuesto, the constant persecution of the evasion of capital and third countries.


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