Ecopetrol seeks to produce hydrogen; select six allies

Starting in June, Ecopetrol and six international companies will work to strengthen the strategic plan for hydrogen generation (both green, blue and gray). To achieve this, the oil company selected these allies from the application of 80 companies from 16 countries.

Those selected were Total Eren and EDF from France, Siemens Energy from Germany, H2B2 from Spain, Empati from the United Kingdom and Mitsui from Japan.

The objective of this plan is to develop low-emission projects that allow the decarbonisation of hydrogen production in the company, as well as to generate industrial and sustainable mobility initiatives. It also intends to structure financing and investment opportunities.

“We have 18 opportunities and studies underway to achieve this, and these alliances with specialized companies will strengthen our plan to achieve the objectives that we have set for ourselves in our 2040 Energy that Transforms strategy,” said the president of Ecopetrol, Felipe Bayón.

By 2040, the company expects to produce one million tons of hydrogen, for which it will allocate about 140 million dollars a year until 2024. Additionally, they assured that it will contribute between 9% and 11% to the goal of halving emissions of the oil company to 2050. It is worth mentioning that at the beginning of May Ecopetrol presented its financial results for the first quarter. During this period, the company’s total sales increased 88.70%.

“Although high prices have favored our income, they have also generated challenges in terms of inflation, high energy costs added to the international logistics crisis, which are beginning to put pressure on operating costs,” said Felipe Bayón, president of the company. He also stated that this means the best quarterly result that the company has presented.

The cost of sales, however, also showed growth, although not as high, and was 70.60 percent. Likewise, the consolidated net income also showed a positive evolution. This grew 116.80% compared to its benchmark 12 months ago.

In the case of the net profit attributable to shareholders, it had a positive variation of 113%. These data are also the best obtained by the company. The Ebitda reached a margin of 49% during the first three months.

It is worth noting that since the fourth quarter of last year, Ecopetrol added to its results the figures obtained by ISA, whose acquisition closed last year.

With regard to the pilots of unconventional deposits, the company reported that it hopes to have the resolution of the Anla firm, which gives free rein to the development of Kalé.

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