Do you do real estate consulting? Support your sales in digital tools

Digitization is currently in the palm of our hands, because through cell phones we carry out endless operations every day that range from financial, entertainment, information to the search for what we are about to acquire.

In this context, the real estate It is no stranger, since digital channels have become the first reference for property searchers, which is why specialists call for viewing online tools as a help mechanism, which definitely will not replace the human factor that each negotiation requires.

This was pointed out by the specialists real estate gathered in the panel “Digital transformation for the sector real estate”, organized by CITI (Cluster of Innovation and Real Estate Transformation).

Helena Verron, founder and director of Smart Flat, explained that consumers are already used to the technologyso the Protech industry (technology in it real estate) is an element that allows to complete a process that requires people to materialize.

“The consumer gets used to and demands more digital, fast processes, they look for transparency, visibility, products that adapt to their needs and find them quickly and easily”, pointed out the specialist.

Therefore, Verron considered it necessary that the real estate professional You must understand what happens, to identify the elements that add and discard those that hinder operations.

For his part, Jorge Carbonell, the main operator of the region at KW Mexico, commented that the pandemic accelerated the digitalization of the sector, which began to make virtual tours and thus start operations, but there were also challenges such as understanding the adjustments and protecting the information.

“This is a topic of change of era, which brings its strengths and weaknesses, and the weakness is not understanding what is happening,” he said.

Jorge Paredes, president of Grupo Realty World, pointed out that the representative real estate It must assume that the digital segment is a reality that must be assimilated in the sector, because through this type of process the customer experience has been improved, for example with the display of images and photographs.

“We have to encourage best practices to develop the best digital images and consumers have the best experiences,” Paredes said.

Innovation as a key factor

Verron explained that for this year it is expected that at least 55% of world GDP will be influenced by technologywhile in 2021, investment in technology and risk capital exceeded 15,000 million dollars of investment in Latin America.

“In 2023, it is estimated that one in two companies will generate 40% of their income through digital tools,” said the specialist.

“Also for next year it is estimated that 70% of companies will be using machine learning or artificial intelligence.”

new players

The technology It has already impacted various industries in some way and is even combined with each other; however, the financing is one of the most advanced, to date. In this context, new currents have emerged, such as:

  • Fintech (Financial + technology).
  • Protech (Properties + technology).
  • Legaltech (Legal + technology).
  • Securtech (Security + technology).
  • Martech (Marketing + technology).
  • Edtech ((Education + technology).
  • Agrotech (Agriculture + technology).
  • Source: SmartFlat

Artificial intelligence at the human service

For Sergio Filgueras, head of RE/MAX Mexico, the technology and digital tools must be taken as a collaborative intelligence, because in reality human and artificial intelligence must be united to make a better sales process.

On the one hand, the digital process allows the development of a broader data, that is, taking advantage of the data to provide a better analysis and make better decisions, in addition, it should be used as a communication channel to have a more efficient and immediate dialogue, and humanize interactions. digital.

“Use the technology simply to send a message that says ‘thank you very much for contacting us, I’m going to send you relevant information about the market you’re looking for’ or something like that, it helps you have immediate interaction while you’re on the street”, said the expert.

However, he considered that maintaining the human factor will be vital, because in the end it is the people who dominate fiscal and legal issues, interact with clients, because the real estate segment requires a high level of specialized knowledge and complexity in its operations.

Phillip Hendrix, CEO of Coldwell Banker, noted that they now work in an industry where customers are information-intensive, require immediate responses and are online most of the day.

“The technology It’s here to stay, it’s here, and our job is to get up from the game to use that technology in our favor and that of our clients”, pointed out the director.

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