Debating the pros and cons of daylight saving time

Before the end of daylight saving time this year on November 7, Shannon Proudfoot discusses the pros and cons of the increasingly unpopular practice.

Daylight saving time comes to an end in much of the country on November 7, when clocks turn back an hour and young children from coast to coast lose their minds and take their parents with them. Originally established in Canada in 1908 when our lives were more governed by the rhythms of available daylight, daylight saving time has become increasingly unpopular and many jurisdictions have toyed with getting rid of it.

(Illustration by Sol Cotti)


Group pressure

Most of the US and Europe use DST, so business and social ties could become disorganized if we choose not to participate. In fact, when Ontario voted to abolish the time change in 2020, it was only on the condition that Quebec and New York State do the same.

READ: These are the Canadians whose clocks don’t go backwards or forwards

Let there be light

In March, when snowbank tendrils still cling to our streets and minds, that extra hour of daylight comes just when we need it most to prevail through a false spring into the real and balsamic.

Siri, make it easy

As we acquire more mini robot watches that update automatically, the time change becomes easier to navigate. Like your ancestors before you, just ignore that flickering DVD screen for the rest of your natural life.

(Illustration by Sol Cotti)


It’s confusing

Parts of British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec do not use daylight saving time. With the exception of a few municipalities, most of Saskatchewan omits it. As of March 2020, The Yukon abandoned it entirely. Good luck figuring this out if you have to book a transprovincial conference call.

MORE: The Great Pumpkin Spice Debate

It is dangerous

Some studies show an increase in car accidents after the clocks tick in the spring, probably because people are sleep deprived or because their morning commute is darker. The fall “roll back” does not seem to have the same effect.

No, but really

Children = crazy. Young children are a total mess for a week after the clocks magically skip a beat. You could campaign on this one issue as a candidate and win the vote of the parents.

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