COVID-19 symptoms and seasonal allergies: How to know the difference

Spring can be a rough time for many who suffer from seasonal allergies.

Dr. Sohail Gandhi says there is one sure way to know the difference between allergy symptoms and COVID-19.

“The symptoms are so similar, but the biggest difference would be if you get a fever. Generally, as a rule with an allergy, you don’t get a fever. You do get a sore throat with COVID, [and] you can get a runny nose with COVID,” the Stayner doctor said.

Dr. Gandhi suggested getting tested for COVID-19 “unless you’re 100 per cent sure it’s your allergies.”

The doctor advised getting a fourth booster to protect against severe illness associated with the virus but said it’s important to wait four to five months after being infected.

“The key thing is that you shouldn’t necessarily get the fourth dose immediately after contracting COVID-19 because there is some immunity that you will get.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Gandhi said he believes the sixth wave is likely to hit its peak.

“I don’t see much rise in the daily numbers anymore, I’ve been looking at the wastewater data, and that seems to be plateauing,” he concluded.

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