COVID-19 found in sewage from 2 University of Waterloo residences | The Canadian News

The University of Waterloo has discovered COVID-19 in the sewage from two of its residences on campus, although only one case has recently been detected at the school.

On its dashboard, the school says it has detected COVID-19 in samples taken from the Ron Eydt Village and Village 1 residences.

It also says that there is only one active COVID-19 case involving someone associated with the school.

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In an email sent to students on Friday, the school said it had launched a pilot project to test sewage in four student residences on its Waterloo campus.

He said the project would include sampling three times a week, allowing the opportunity to discover additional cases that could involve students or staff at the residences.

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Click to play video: 'Coronavirus: Research Shows Sewage Could Help Detect COVID-19 Outbreaks'

Coronavirus: Research Shows Sewage Could Help Detect COVID-19 Outbreaks

Coronavirus: Research Shows Sewage Could Help Detect COVID-19 Outbreaks – Jan 9, 2021

On the board, the school noted that the project will be used “to reaffirm the effectiveness of our COVID-19 safety protocols and support additional actions that can aid in the early detection of potential outbreaks.”

In the email to students, the school issued guidance in case it found COVID-19 in wastewater.

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Those who are asymptomatic but not fully vaccinated or exempt should continue with rapid antigen testing. If they have a positive test, they should have a PCR test, as do those with symptoms.

Those who are vaccinated and show no symptoms should continue with regular COVID-19 safety protocols, such as limiting social contact, adequate social distancing, and wearing masks when necessary.

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The school told students that it hopes the wastewater project will continue to help open things up even more this fall.

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