Corbevax, the new vaccine against Covid-19 patent free

As of 2020, a group of scientists led by Dr. Maria Elena Bottazzi, co-director of the Center for the Discharge of Vacancies at the Texas Infantile Hospital at Baylor College of Medicine, has begun designing a vacancy against Covid-19.

The result was Corbevax. The innovation? The vacancy is patent free.

Any person in the world, following the instructions of the ‘kit kit’ that we collect, from the procedure on how to make the fermentation to create a protein and purify it, can make your vaccine approximately 80% effective.

This group of experts has been developing medicines for SARS and Mers since 2011. We will be rebuilding our vehicles to generate Corbevax.

This new biology is using a conventional method with ten years of antiquity that makes production and distribution more accessible and accessible to the most affected countries. pandemic y, by supuesto, donde it probable that surjan otras variants debido a las bajas tasas de inoculación.

In conversation with El Economista, the Honduran scientist María Elena Bottazzi says that for her, the scientific team and its institutions, there is more to it than a privilege and a pity for those who train.

¿What technology will be used in the vacancy?

The process for creating Corbevax involves the use of levadura, which is used to produce vaccines against hepatitis B from time to time.

María Elena Bottazzi confirms that some people can make vacancies against the hepatitis B producing microbial base proteins, like bacteria or levaduras, can replicate what they have.

Corbevax uses a platform called Recombinant Protein Subunit Technology, which is a real piece of protein spice Covid-19 in the cells of levadura. These cells copy the vital protein and introduce it into the immunological system.

Botazzi explained: “We make the protein, directly and synthetically in the laboratory using the liver system. The pediments we have the liver that produces a protein that matures with a protein produced by the virus. Continuation, immunization of the protein, and the body “The process and the present to the immunological system lie. For this reason, no matter what, there is no significant manipulation of the codification”.

How did I get to Corbevax?

Bottazzi and his team will start working on the development of vacunas for patients diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, esquistosomiasis, chagas and leishmaniasis.

These diseases, which affect millions of poor people, do not cause many deaths, their health morbidities, which means that the small nests become infected and live practically all live with these infections, which exacerbate their normal cognitive loss.

To develop these medicinesBottazzi and his team hicieron that the lands without infrastructure or technical knowledge tuvieran access to the vacancies because the necessities.

“We always aspire to open science, to decolonize the production of vacancies. coronavirus“.

“We are very correct. We need to ensure that we maintain the same model of science knowledge and transfer knowledge”, we confirm.

The priority of the professional group would work with the Red of Manufacturers of Vacancies of the Netherlands in Desarrollo (DCVMN, by its English seal).

“When we empezamos, we call it all the world. Dijimos: ‘We have this initiation kit here, the dates that it responds to, and will probably be an exit point. We also say that this point is based on proteins if it works.”

Through a great effort, the scientific group is compromised with Biological Ea private manufacturer of vacancies in India, who is able to obtain all the information, even if he devises a strategy on how to develop the drug.

Biological E received the “initiation kit”, but did not need to compromise with his government and obtain funds.

At present, we also need to evaluate the technology, clinical trials, production and authorization.

¿How is the project financed?

In this respect, the doctor María Elena Bottazzi responded that we apply a beautiful model. Biological If you want to find your own resources for the production as well as for the clinic, while the Baylor College of Medicine team is looking for its own independent funding.

In principle, the Instituto Nacional de Salud de los Estados Unidos (NIH, by its English seal) funded the coronavirus program with a small ‘préstamo puente’.

“By supuesto, we will not get the amount of funding that the multinationals will get, nor the financial benefit of any way”, commented.

“All additional foundations carry private foundations and, more importantly, philanthropic and individual propositions, and to be honest, a crowdfunding ploy”.

“The people were very generous with what they were looking for. For this reason, we have a small card of 5 to 6 million dollars that he has maintained the activities of our laboratories”.

Corbevax is a list to fight the virus

Of the 300 million doses of vacunas de Biological E comprometidas con la India, ya han hecho 230 millones. At the same time, the report will be published in February.

Biological And powder can produce up to 100 million doses per month.

“We hope that there will be a snowball effect and we will see that this vacancy can be explored all over the world”.

Tan ¿How effective is Corbevax?

Biological And made an essay of Phase 3 which analyzes what is called “immune-power” and “immune-superiority”.

Continuation, hicieron a comparison lado a lado with Covishield, the vacuna of AstraZeneca produced in India, we evaluate the amount of neutralizing anticoagulants induced by the drug and use this statistical comparison concept against an international standing union.

“Establishment that can produce more than 80% of efficacy against the neutralization of the Delta variant, as well as the Beta variant of the virus”, says Bottazzi.

Con Omicronthe company is conducting a series of studies to evaluate its effectiveness.

Shopping: Corbevax sale

Bottazzi explained that one of the characteristics of the vacunas basadas and protein can be maintained during long periods of time during normal refrigeration.

“Once they are formulated with their immunostimulants, they can be omitted. We also have prototypes of altered implements during five to eight years.”

Another significant benefit, affirmation, is that Corbevax does not require tampering with the pharmacy. “When it’s alive, it’s basically immune. It does not manipulate anything before injecting into an individual.”

Can Corbevax be measured with other vacancies?

Biological And is leading to a number of investigations in India, making a mix and combination with other vacancies, in particular Covishield y Covaxin.

According to the vacancies with technology of ARNmBottazzi signaled that studies were being carried out in his own laboratory, with the hope of having large dates and possibly presenting his biologicals as a protein base as a precursor.

Cor ¿Corbevax is available in Mexico near Covax?

Maintain a global access strategy based on the intention of the Dra. María Elena Bottazzi and her team from the principle.

“Intent is part of all the different mechanisms available. Biological And only obtains the authorization in India for India, but has been working with the World Health Organization, as with CEPI [La Coalición para las Innovaciones de Preparación para Epidemias] and with COVAX [la iniciativa mundial destinada a un acceso equitativo a las vacunas Covid-19]”.

For this reason, Biological E is about to receive the authorization from the list of these global agencies, in addition to regulatory authorities that have more restrictions in other regions.

Vac Are refuge vacancies applied against the Covid each year?

In this sense, Bottazzi says that everything depends on how much the world of equality is, the just distribution of medicines, and it is clear that the variants mainly surge people in vacancies.

The objective here is not simply to produce more vacunas, sino also adminarlas. With sufficient vacancies, the virus can be eradicated, preventing other mutations and the appearance of more cephalopods.

“We also have to avoid being overwhelmed by our health systems and we have so many other health problems that we have been suffering from Covid-19 guilt. We are losing many benefits to health,” said Bottazzi.

Ó ¿Ómicron is marking the end of the pandemic?

“Some people say they are on the verge of becoming endemic. It is not at all convenient that they are cute,” said the doctor.

But what really preoccupies Bottazzi’s doctor is the real repercussion of Covid-19 a largo plazo. Some people feel that they have been attacked by the pathogen and that, as a result, they have no pain in the disease.

“Prefiero no infectarme porque todavía hay muchas incognitos sober el huésped, las interakinions del pathogeno lo lo que sucederá en unos pocos años despuo de than estuviste expuesto a esta u otras variants diferentes”.

A message for scientific futures

According to doctor María Elena Bottazzi, participating in the development of vacancies is difficult, but wonderful in various aspects. The scientific aspect of the production of vacanciesas scientists evaluate, evaluate obstacles to work on products that may be used by healthy individuals.

“Ustedes are developing solutions. We have many problems all over the world at the moment, because being part of the solution is only incentive”, he said.

“We are sorry, and we are privileged to have the same time of stress and privacy as we are going to have to compromise, because we are replicating this model with many other vacancies,” he concluded.


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