Contagions are still very high in Catalonia

The number of coronavirus infections are still high in Catalonia, although in the last hours have been counted less than previous days, probably because the data for yesterday, a holiday, have not been fully counted: there are 12,000 new confirmed cases With PCR tests or antigen tests, although the speed of the virus continues to decrease and the risk of regrowth, which was in decline, rebounds very slightly. Also the hospital tension: the figure of 2,000 admitted has been exceeded, but let’s remember that the high in festive also fall. According to updated data this Friday by the Department of Health, this Friday there is a total 2,002 people admitted with covid in Catalan hospitals (yesterday, 1918), while there are 471 seriously ill patients in the ucis (467 yesterday).

Specifically, the risk of regrowth (EPG), an indicator that measures the potential growth of the epidemic and that on Wednesday registered a decrease of 173 points, goes from 3,858 points to 3,955. The speed of spread of the virus (Rt), mainly of the omicron variant, today is 1.27, six hundredths less than yesterday. And the cumulative incidence of positives at 7 days per 100,000 inhabitants (IA7) is 1,818 cases, while the incidence at 14 days (IA14) is 3,202. Both indicators go up.

No death

The total of confirmed cases of covid by all kinds of tests amounts to 1,448,725, of which 12,081 have been reported in the last 24 hours, while in the last 7 days there have been 141,786 confirmed by PCR or antigen tests, the highest number of the two years of the pandemic, with an average of about 20,000 daily cases.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, a total of 24,712 people, with no reported deaths In the last 24 hours, and in the last week 93 people have died from the disease. The positivity – the percentage of positive results in PCR tests and antigen tests – is 25.52%.

Waiting for what may happen from Monday with the resumption of the school year After the Christmas holidays, this Friday the two-week extension, until January 21, of the night curfew, between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m., has come into effect, limitation of meetings to a maximum of 10 people, reduction capacity in numerous activities and use of covid certificate.

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