Consensus without lies, by Joaquim Coll

It is good news that both ERC and Junts have agreed with the PSC on the renewal of the members of various organizations (Sindicatura de Greuges, CCMA and CAC) that had expired for years. In parliamentary terms, there was no other option, although the blockade could have been perpetuated and, in this case, not because of the socialists, but because of the Talibanism of the independentistas and their internal fights. Hopefully Esther Giménez-Salinas will leave behind the unfortunate role of Rafael Ribó as Síndic, who has acted not as a defender of citizenship rights but as a hammer of separatism against his enemies, whose performance has also been despotic, with a more than questionable waste of money, both in trips and in other whims, despite who gave them to be left. As for the CCMA, its renewal should prompt a thorough review of both TV-3 like Catalunya Ràdio that they have lost the trust and credibility of a large part of Catalan society. Since they were born in times of Jordi Pujol always been nationalist media, with professionals who are often militant, but with the ‘procés’ they crossed all the red lines and politically they were mere instruments of propaganda.

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