Coahuila inaugurates Polymerals firm plant

At the opening ceremony of the company Polymerals, the state Executive, Miguel Angel Riquelme Solís, recognized that “the challenges in the entity have been overcome in unity between society and government”, which has privileged its administration.

The state president said that one of the concerns of his six-year term is to distribute the arrival of investments in all regions, including The lagoon, and today he realizes that he has managed to overcome the challenge.

“The announcement of the start of operations of this company is good news. Trust is a factor that Coahuila is ahead in the indicators; whoever has bet on our land, knows that we are not giving up and that it will go well for them, “he said.

He specified that when starting his mandate and visiting countries such as China, Japan and Canada it was complex; however, “as the years go by, employers observe the powers that the entity has and bet on it.”

He added that the skilled labor that is possessed in Coahuila makes the state the fourth most competitive entity in the country.

“Each company that arrives tells you what the entity’s advantages are. Thanks to Lázaro Bello for trusting the entity. Today a good message is sent with this start of operations ”, mentioned the governor.

He warned that there are very strong investments that are exploring the southeast and Laguna regions, so he hopes that the opportunities and benefits that this land offers will continue to be exploited. “The challenge is the agri-food sector and the manufacture of electric cars.”

For his part, Mario Villarreal de la Peña, general director of Polymerals, thanked Riquelme Solís, on behalf of his team, for the support in this start of operations and “for the fundamental support that made the materialization of this project possible.”

Polymerals is a company with a regional vocation, “we brought to La Laguna the first and only guar gum processing plant in America, we dramatically shortened the distance between the main centers of supply of this gum, which are India and Pakistan, and the demand, which is headed by the United States and Europe ”, informed the director of this company.

He expressed that there are 175 direct jobs that are generated and thousands indirect. Guar gum is used in the food, oil and many other industries, which thrives under high temperatures like those in the region.

Jaime Guerra Pérez, Secretary of the Economy of Coahuila, recalled that the arrival of said company was announced in the first fortnight of this year, and the event demonstrates the progress made in reactivating the state.

“Thank you very much for your trust and commitment to La Laguna, we are proud of companies such as Polymerals, this investment of 400 million pesos brings employment for 175 lagoons ”, he highlighted,

“At the end of the fourth year of the governor’s administration, Miguel Riquelme, 150 projects have been completed with an investment of more than 8.438 million dollars, and the potential generation of 67,560 direct jobs.”

He explained that of these projects, 33 correspond to La Laguna, a dynamism that has prevailed due to the unity between the various productive sectors and the government.

“The high levels of security, the rule of law and the quality of the workforce make Coahuila one of the most competitive entities in the country,” assured Guerra Pérez.


He commented that his commitment is to continue working to promote the state and create more jobs in the field of formality.

This investment announcement was also attended by José Luis Flores Méndez, Secretary of Rural Development of the state; Lázaro Bello Garza, president of the Polymerals Council, as well as businessmen, state and municipal officials and representatives of business chambers.

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