Citizen Movement does not rule out that Morena seeks to postpone the discussion of the Electricity Reform for a longer time; needs to get more votes

Citizen Movement does not rule out that Morena seeks to postpone the discussion of the Electricity Reform for a longer time; needs to get more votes, points out the Parliamentary Group of MC of the Chamber of Deputies, they affirmed that the discussion of the opinion of the electrical reform, in the Plenary, was postponed so that Morena can pressure and coerce the opposition groups to obtain more votes.

In press conferences, the orange legislators recalled that the vote on the electricity reform was planned for this Tuesday, but since Morena does not have enough votes to approve the opinion, “they postpone it to see if they have a greater margin of maneuver to be able to coerce, pressure, threaten or blackmail opposition groups, and that they could be in a position to vote with them in favor of this reform,” said Mirza Flores Gómez, the party’s deputy coordinator.

For his part, Jorge Álvarez Máynez, coordinator of MC, warned that “we do not rule out that the opinion be postponed indefinitely” next Sunday, “because they do not have the votes” for its approval.

Álvarez Máynez added that Morena and her allies postponed the discussion with a political intention “of revenge and revenge”, betting on the wear and tear of the deputies and absenteeism, “we do not rule out that once again they will betray their word, because they have no word ”.

The deputy María Elena Limón García said that this Tuesday the members of MC went to the Chamber of Deputies because they were called to a session, but they postponed it, and they will return on Sunday to vote against the “toxic reform of the President of the Republic ”.

Deputy Amalia García Medina pointed out that MC is against any measure that contributes to global warming, “and the initiative of the Chief Executive does not advance in the reduction of greenhouse gases and global warming. No to the reforms that put in the center those fossil energies that continue to destroy our country and the planet”.

The deputy María Asención Álvarez Solís stressed that MC will fight until the end “and we are not going to vote for this reform of the President, we are going to always vote in favor of the people of Mexico, we will be against the reforms that harm our Mexico” .

Deputy Teresa Ochoa Mejía said that MC will vote against the ruling next Sunday, “our conviction is clear, and we say no to pollution in this Mexico and on the planet.”

For her part, deputy Jessica Ortega de la Cruz, secretary of the Board of Directors, indicated that MC voted against within that governing body of the Chamber of Deputies to postpone the plenary session for next Sunday.


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