Chrétien at the PLC and Mulroney at the CCP: the Bloc will not use Bouchard

If the Liberals brought out their former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and the Conservatives did the same with Brian Mulroney, the Bloc Quebecois does not intend to call on its founder, Lucien Bouchard.

At a press conference Thursday afternoon in Saint-Jérôme, the Bloc leader Yves-Francois Blanchet commented on Brian Mulroney’s call to vote Conservative in next Monday’s poll.

“I do not intend, nor solicited, nor even called [Lucien Bouchard] », Said Mr. Blanchet.

As for another Bloc leader who has been in office for a long time, Gilles Duceppe, he already has a platform in the media. The party will therefore not ask him to participate in partisan activities.

Mr. Blanchet sees in the recourse by his opponents to these former heads of government “who deserve our respect” a sign of “uncertainty, insecurity” as to the prognoses of the poll on Monday.

“At the last minute, it feels a little weird,” he commented. He even laughed at Justin trudeau and Erin O’Toole.

“The two former chefs (Jean Chrétien and Brian Mulroney) are more interesting than the new ones,” he quipped.

Mr. Blanchet recalled that under Brian Mulroney, the party was called “progressive-conservative”.

Mr. Mulroney’s “progressive conservatives” were “profoundly different” from Erin O’Toole’s “very conservative progressive steps”, he said. The party broke up after Mulroney left and was reconstituted without the progressives, believes the Bloc leader.

Remember that Lucien Bouchard comes from the same generation of political leaders as MM. Chrétien and Mulroney. A personal friend of Mr. Mulroney, he slammed the door of the cabinet after the failure of the Meech Lake Accord in June 1990, then founded the Bloc Québécois.

He will be the charismatic figure of the 1995 referendum on sovereignty which will almost lead the Yes camp to victory.

Buy American Act

In addition, the Bloc Québécois is asking the next federal government to negotiate with Washington for exemptions from the Buy American Act to promote Quebec products that facilitate the ecological transition.

The Lion plant in Saint-Jérôme could thus take part in calls for tenders in the United States to sell its electric school buses.

Yves-François Blanchet held a press conference on the spot Thursday afternoon to present his proposal.

Remember that the Buy American Act is a law that establishes local American content requirements in public procurement policies.

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