Celebrate Star Wars Day With These Nine Absolutely Ridiculous Character Names

There are some really weird names in the Star Wars universe, but it would take a lot to top the nine weirdest titles in the entire galaxy.

Jar Jar Binks, General Grievous, Count Dooku, and even Luke Skywalker can be considered names too strange to be anything but from the world of science fiction.

However, since Star Wars has one of the deepest traditions in modern media franchise history, there are countless beings, creatures, and places with some truly wacky names.

However, there are nine titles that particularly take the crown of the strangest names in the Star Wars universe as fans around the world celebrate May 4th.the.

Obi-Wan Kenobi | Presentation Trailer | Disney+



Obi-Wan Kenobi | Presentation Trailer | Disney+






Fallen McCool

Droopy McCool… Has a name ever suited a character design better than Droopy McCool?

Technically speaking, this is the stage name of a male kitonak named Snit, who is the lead trumpeter of the infamous Max Rebo Band that plays in Jabba’s Palace during Han Solo’s rescue in Return of the Jedi.

hilariously, according According to the book Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Droopy McCool is said to naturally smell like vanilla.

Salacious B. Crumb

Possibly the most well-known character on this list, Salacious B. Crumb has become an internet icon in recent years. Crumb is a Kowakian monkey-lizard who worked as a jester (not a pet) for Jabba the Hutt, whose hilarious, manic laughter found favor with the late crime lord.

Paodok’Draba’Takat Sap’De’Rekti Nik’Linke’Ti’ Ki’Vef’Nik’NeSevef’Li’Kek

Good luck pronouncing that name, or maybe it’s better to go for the shorter ‘Pao’ as it’s better known. Pao was a Drabatan soldier who participated in the Battle of Scarif as seen in Rogue One. According to the Ultimate Visual Guide to the Movie, Pao once studied structural dynamics with dreams of becoming an engineer before the Imperial occupation of his world. native will tempt him to a life of rebellion.

Therm scissor punch

Therm Scissorpunch was a character who only appeared briefly in the Star Wars cinematic universe. Therm is a male Nephran and is a prolific gambler, being widely regarded as a sore loser who relies on intimidation for huge profits. In Solo: A Star Wars Story, he is the character who sits next to Lando Calrissian when Han first meets the iconic smuggler.

savage oppression

Savage Opress may sound like the name of the next great rap superstar, but in reality, the name is one that strikes fear into countless creatures throughout the Star Wars universe. This is for the simple reason that Savage Opress is the younger brother of Darth Maul and was also a member of the Sith. After becoming an apprentice to his brother, Opress lost his left arm in a battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi; eventually being killed by Darth Sidious, who began to suspect him of being a threat to Imperial power.

Elan Sleazebaggano

Another Star Wars character known for a brief but iconic appearance, Elan Sleazebaggano is exactly what her name suggests, a sleazy. Elan is a death stick dealer from Balosar on Coruscant who mistakenly attempts to sell the contraband to Obi-Wan Kenobi in Attack of the Clones.

Fortunately, Elan is supposed to actually be alive and well in the Star Wars universe, having changed her fate by saying “I want to go home and rethink my life” following Kenobi’s mind trick.

darker biggs

Being one of Luke Skywalker’s childhood friends, Biggs Darkligher is the unsung hero of Star Wars history. In fact, there’s an argument that Biggs is the only reason Luke was able to join the rebels, the two being young pilots together on Tatooine. Unfortunately, Biggs was one of the last fatalities of the Battle of Yavin when Darth Vader shot down his X-Wing just as Luke was lining up for his last bombardment of the Death Stars’ ventilation system.

sio bible

Sio Bibble was the human male Governor of Naboo during The Phantom Menace and a member of the Naboo Royal Advisory Council to Queen Amidala. Bibble also appears in Attack of the Clones but interestingly, according to the DVD commentary, scenes of him were green-projected in the film after Oliver Davies was unable to make it to the production set during filming.

General Whorm Loathsom

General Loathsom sounds like a charming character, but he’s the only character on this list who doesn’t actually appear in any of the live-action movies. Instead, Loathsom was a villain from the 2008 animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars, commanding the Confederacy of Independent Systems forces on the side of the Separatists.

Before we leave you with these wonderful and weird character names, it’s important to take note of these honorable mentions from the Star Wars universe.

  • captain swag
  • put slime
  • poggle the lesser
  • Fist Kit
  • Wickett W. Warrick
  • Plo Koon
  • Sweitt Concorkill

Who do you think has the weirdest name in the Star Wars universe?

By Tom Llewellyn [email protected]

In other news, who is Captain Carter in Doctor Strange 2? Does Hayley Atwell star?


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