CCE shows caution about the Court’s decision on the Electricity Industry Law

The Business Coordinating Council (ECC) was cautious about the resolution of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) that considers the constitutionality of the Electricity Industry Law (LIE), and clarified that the group of specialists will analyze “in detail” the legal consequences of the decision taken, since said result allows the more than 200 amparos of the companies that challenged said law to continue.

He specified that the constitutional discussion and deliberation cannot be summed up in a binary way, in a no or a yes, since it offers multiple points of view that will enrich the daily work of the judges and magistrates of the Court in electrical matters.

After the result of the vote in the SCJN on Electricity Industry Law did not obtain a majority ECC chaired by Francisco Cervantes, explained that the arguments made during these days of discussion, including this Court resolution, must be analyzed in detail to understand their legal consequences and their effects on the judicial processes that are still ongoing.

As of today, he established, we will be attentive to the course taken by the legal processes filed by the private sector against the electricity reform that privileges the Federal electricity commission (CFE).

Another point made firm by this Court resolution is the change in the dispatch order of the national electricity systeml to favor contracts with a commitment to physical delivery, and changes in access to the national transmission network and general distribution networks.

In this context, the ECC He relied on the institutional strength of the Judiciary and highlighted the importance that the issues of maximum national importance are processed through institutional channels and that the ministers present their perspectives and legal reasoning in the face of society, in the best interest of the nation.


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