CCE Puebla insta to authorities to increase local consumption

Puebla, Pue. It is planned that in 2019 the State Congress will approve the reform of the Law of Acquisitions, Tenancies and Services of the Public and Municipal Sector Sector, in order to guarantee that 80% of the purchases made by local governors are micro, small and median. Empresas (mipymes) assentadas en la entidad o constituad por poblanos, hasta el momento se se ha complied, destacó el presidente del Consejo Coprendador Empresarial (CCE), Ignacio Alarcón Rodríguez Pacheco.

Indicates that during this period of pandemic, it will be helpful for the distinct commercial and service sectors that the authorities in functions are inclined to make their visit to the internal market, but it is not uncommon.

At the moment, local deputies, Oswaldo Jiménez López, who proposed the reform this week, explained that in 2018 the owner of well-being and services by the governing state made 7,000 million pounds, which means a universe of opportunities for the companies and that this powder will help its consolidation.

Alarcón Rodríguez reiterated that he was positive about the reform, but he did not see any effect for the Private Initiative in increasing internal consumption in favor of all types of trade or providers of a technical service.

Record that between the points of the petition of the sector to the local authorities, because he has respect for the foreigners to sign a contract, we are last with the ability to cast his prices to be found, the one a public employee can do. because he is risking his fortune.


However, considering that the Ley de Acquisitions habría which modifies the percentage of prices that are presented to compete, although the firms of the state have the possibility of subirlos 2 or 3%, it is not convenient in terms of bankruptcy, by them , sugieren que esa diferenciación sea mejor de 15%, lo cual ayudaría a que las provedoras de papelería, materials para oblas publices, de electronicos, entre otros, no castiguen sus costos en une licication.

It is pointed out that tampoco has been held by committees of acquisitions in state and municipal governors, where private bodies are connected to make suggestions from providers, in order to guarantee the quality and that they plan with time periods.

“It’s a topic of political will and we want to acknowledge the authorities over all states, which is what we have been talking about for some time now, to insist that they buy into public companies, but we will not have concrete answers,” he said.

Considering that there were also salvaged dozens of jobs compared to those of the authorities who were most serious about the Covid-19 pandemic; without embarrassment, tampoco step and the economic recovery va the “slow loans”.

Indicating that the best customer for the emperors will always be the governing body of some level, because it manages volumes of pedidos, because it hopes that it is accompanied by the mentioned, and that the internal market maintains a rhythm that reflects stability and laboral.

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