Catering and food industry | Kill two birds with one stone thanks to integration companies

A source of qualified and motivated labor, integration companies training kitchen workers want to form alliances and build partnerships with catering employers, in order to fill positions left vacant by a labor shortage. growing work.

The federal government recently announced that employers will now have to limit themselves to 20% temporary foreign workers (compared to 30% previously). The Association Restauration Québec (ARQ) has raised concerns for the industry, predicting revenue losses and potential closures due to labor shortages.

Faced with this situation, the “integration company” reflex must develop! Across Quebec, 13 integration companies hire, train and develop qualified kitchen staff: kitchen assistants, kitchen assistants, service staff, etc.

Through a demanding six-month program, our social economy companies respond to a dual need: the social need of people having difficulty accessing employment, and the economic need of creating talents for ‘industry.

At the end of their course, the people supported have developed all the technical and transferable skills to integrate a job in the kitchen or in related professions, in addition to having worked on the attitudes expected by an employer, and demonstrated their great resilience and adaptability .

Hiring a person who completes an integration process means finding a response to a shortage issue, reducing recruitment costs, and benefiting from support for the integration of the new recruit.

“It makes recruiting easier. When I have needs, I know that qualified people are ready to submit their CVs. I am satisfied with the applications and I know where to turn when I have vacancies to fill,” confides Gilles Moreau, executive chef at Dana Hospitalité.

Our companies have particular expertise in establishing partnerships with employers in the catering and food industry: we pre-select candidates corresponding to employers’ needs, accompany the candidate in the selection process, and support the employer as well as the person recruited in their integration.

Thanks to the training course in a real work environment and individual support, we allow these people far from the job market to develop the skills sought by many catering companies in Quebec.

Beyond these concrete and real actions, innovation is at the heart of the DNA of integration companies: we are always looking for creative solutions to meet the needs of the people we support and the employers who support them. are hiring: it is therefore a call for even more partnerships with catering employers that we are launching today!

*Co-signatories: Darllie Pierre-Louis, general director, Buffet Accès Emploi, Lanaudière; Danny Belley, general manager, Buffet Insère-Jeunes, Montreal; Marc-André Simard, general manager, Le Chic Resto Pop, Montreal; Donald Boisvert, general manager, La Corbeille Bordeaux-Cartierville, Montreal; Benoist de Peyrelongue, general manager, La Cuisine Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, Montreal; Madgalena Schweiger, general director, Cuisine-Atout, Montreal; Yann Berdouche, general director, La Ferme Jeunes au travail, Laval; David Boivin, general manager, Le Piolet, Quebec; Martine Thomas, general manager, Part du Chef – Groupe Part, Montreal; Nahid Aboumansour, general director, Petites Mains, Montreal; Roseline Roussel, general director, Le Pignon Bleu, Quebec; Lise Fortin, general director, Le Tournant 3F, Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean; Richard Gravel, Collective of Integration Companies of Quebec

A mission of social integration

Integration companies are community organizations and social economy companies. They have a mission of social integration and their originality lies in the cohabitation of an integration/training function and a genuine, non-profit economic activity. Integration companies meet the training and support needs of people experiencing serious difficulties integrating into the labor market, with the aim of combating poverty and exclusion.

Visit the website of the Collective of integration companies of Quebec

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