Catalunya will begin next week to give third doses to those over 60

  • Salut is waiting for Health to send the official document

Catalunya will begin next week to put the third doses of the covid-19 vaccine to the over 60 years and to health and social health personnel, a measure announced days ago by the Government of Pedro Sánchez.

“We have the souvenir doses for people from 60 to 69 years old, for the health and social health personnel, as well as for people residing in health and social health centers other than residences for the elderly, such as residences for people with disabilities “, explained this Wednesday at a press conference the Secretary of Public Health, Carmen Cabezas.

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“It will take a few days to start it up. We are waiting for the document of the Ministry of Health to be able to make the official shipment. “Thus, the Ministry of Health calculates that these souvenir doses will begin to be next week.

In addition, these doses will be put mainly in the primary care centers (CAP), although it will depend on the territory. The problem, with the current increase in healthcare pressure, will be the availability of professionals to vaccinate, which will require a certain organization.

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