Catalonia levies restrictions with covid-19 todavía in expansion

  • As part of these celebrations, there are no restrictions on meetings and meetings, as well as the use of covid passports

  • The experts came “precipitated” at the end of the restrictions and recalled that the virus followed “tensioning” the sanitary system

Catalonia has undergone a major overhaul of the restrictions imposed to prevent the expansion of the coronavirus responsible for the (todavia) covid-19 pandemic. Esta ‘express desescalada‘, a difercia del paulatino levantamiento de medidas de otras oleadas, se produce en een moment de especial incertumbre. It recognizes the Generalitat’s same resolution, “the objective of doubling the pandemic curve of the sixth and current ola todavía no se ha alcanzado& rdquor ;. And the epidemiological data, favorable terms, only to be signed by “Deceleration & rdquor; of virus y “Stabilization & rdquor; of some indicators. The virus has more than ten days in expansion and, according to the Rt, the rhythm of contagiousness slows down until it has not been released.

This same way, Catalonia eliminates the limitations of meetings and meetings, as well as the use of covid-19 passport in all types of establishments. According to the Official Diary of the Generalitat (DOGC), the decision is based on an information from director of the Salud Public Agency of Catalonia, issued the 26th of January of 2022. The diagnostician dibuja a balance lleno de claroscuros. For a lad, signal that the coronavirus “is in a Communication phase controlled and maintained which can increase the response capacity of the sanitary system “. On the other hand, the” reduction “of some assistance indicators is positive, as well as the stabilization of the number of visits by covid-19 in the primary attention and the entries by this procedure. With this balance over the month, the Government “considered justified& rdquor; levetar el grueso de las restriciones.

But is this the best time to deliver medias? Some argumentative variants are interpolated by EL PERIODIC, the end of the restrictions illegally at a particularly complicated moment. “Eliminate mediocre now the same is precipitated. The prudent series and descalando of progressive manner in accordance with the best of the indicators, do not levy all the restrictions when all are in the crest of the ola & rdquor ;, argue the epidemiologist Antoni Trilla, member of the assessor committee on covid-19 of the Generalitat. “The debate over restrictions is a very complex one. From a scientific and sanitary point of view, it is very clear that now we are in a favorable situation and that the best series of mantenerlas. But it is also true that you have to keep in mind that you have other factors, such as the social and economic impact of these media& rdquor ;, reflecting on the doctor.

“Eliminate mediocre now the same is precipitated. The prudent series and descent of progressive manner”

Antoni Trilla, epidemiologist

Trilla, on the other hand, appoints one of the ‘thermometers’ principles to mediate the impact of covid-19: the sanitary system. To illustrate the moment of tension & rdquor; as toadiva viven hospitals and primary care centers, the specialist traslada the next question to mean the amount that (todavía) hoyone the covid-19: , can the sanitary system properly repair? Now there are many hospitals that follow deprogramming surgeries in essentials, hay mucho personal sanitario de baja y en la primaria no dan abasto para atender a más pasientes & rdquor ;, comenta el doctor. “I do not have magic magic to solve this, but urge reform the sanitary system. To increase the capacity of those who have increased the number of contracts and capture more staff & rdquor ;, increase.

¿Effect rebote?

The ‘adios to the restrictions’ may, by a lad, slow down the bay of the curve of the sixth o, y, by the other, could generate a “rebate effect”. “The power of the media can generate a false sense of security “Because, in the background, it’s the message that the pandemic has taken place”, explains Salvador Macip, also a member of the assessor and scientific committee of the University of Catalonia. “The problem of creating false expectations is that when it is incomplete, because the pandemic is very unpredictable, it also generates a lot of frustration. respect the media “, comments the specialist, also affiliated with the University of Leicester.

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“The rise of the media will generate a false sense of security”

Salvador Macip, physician and investigator

The prognostic specialist who, in short, habrá que esperar al menos “unas semanas & rdquor; to see if the covid-19 frena su advance. If everything goes well, Macip comments, the first thing to do is to wait until we will be in a more difficult situation. About all because between the people who passed the covid-19 and the one who received a dose of refueling he had a few more ‘collective immunizations’ related to this virus. More about this prediction, the scientist will tell you it is not prudent to make predictions to a large place. It’s about to end the pandemic. “It is not realistic to mark places limited time to ‘return to normal’ because, as we have seen for some years, the pandemic can change during the week. Important is to mark as objectively decrease the maximum possible case number & rdquor ;, comment. Entones can breathe a little more tranquilos.

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