Cadenas de comida rapida pierden velocidad en Bolsa

The actions of the main caddies of rapid growth that have contributed to the New York Stock Exchange have led to inflation, economic acceleration and new contagions by Ómicron this year, in addition to increasing the costs of housing and housing, which will last until 2020. .

The mayor lost this year in Bolsa the Domino´s Pizza register, which contributes a price for action of 443.79 dollars, which is a cash of 21.36 per cent. We have benefited from the economic record and from its good service to send home that has been established since the beginning of the pandemic, now the days of high inflation.

In contrast, during 2021 its 4:17 suburban titles per cent.

The second most popular company is Starbucks. The actions of the cafeteria chain have a price of 95.94 dollars on Wall Street and in the 2022 pierden 17.98 per cent. Therefore, the issuer will present its results for the quarterly quarter of 2021, and shows the utilities, the increases in the prices of the pesos in its result.

Fuera de Estados Unidos, Starbucks vio una demande más dabil. In China, its second-largest market, sales were down 14% in the first quarter, with Asian countries pushing for travel restrictions on some cities to find other coronavirus cases

As far as Starbucks’s register is concerned, it will complete its 2021 banknotes, leaving only 9.34% in New York Stock Exchange.

Wingstop’s high-quality food franchise has a 12.99% shareholding in its 150.36-dollar share of the shares. This loss contrasts with the gains of 30.37% over the past year.

The McDonald’s hamburger chain has a turnover of 2.77% by 2022, contributing 260.64 dollars in shares. The issue ended this year with a rate of 24.93 per cent.

Hecho, McDonald’s ended 2021 with $ 23,222 million in revenue, up 21% from $ 19,207.8 million by 2020.

Alberto Carrillo, analyst at Signum Research, explained that “the topic of the pandemic impact on customer traffic is slowing down the social confinement that we are implementing in various countries. However, the disruptions of the economy and the effects of the cashiers’ chain, an increase in inflation, have a negative impact on the margins of these companies ”.

More resistant

The specialist said that these companies, although they are making a just adjustment in the price of their actions, are less golfing than the other sectors this year, as is the case with technology companies.

Heriberto Sandoval, Investor in Increase in Capital, said that “the emerging interest rate on the part of the Fed in March, the geopolitical tensions and high global-level inflation, affecting generalization in the various economic sectors, including the sector of discretionary consumption, that suele is defensive and that he has been above right in the midst of this principle ”.

McDonald’s, is a real estate portfolio, “more than 90% of the sales reported were made through three digital media, ecommerce, close contact with sellers and service of vans from the car”, says Alberto Carrillo.

“For the case of Starbuks, the price of the coffee in the prime grocery market is at 96% in the last 12 months. Barristers’ contracts are all the more complicated because of the costs of staff turnover and recruitment, “he explained.

“Increasing costs, without embarrassment, the customer is not sensitive to the increases in price, which is due to the experience of taking a coffee. Hecho, in the last 12 months, the coffee franchise made increases in the price of its products ”, Carrillo commented.

“It is an opportunity to buy and to be doubtful, an opportunity to diversify portfolios,” he said. Its companies in the consumer sector and is a defensive frame. “If there are crises, there will be crises, and if there is expansion, there will be cranes,” said Signum Research’s expert.

The Starbucks portfolio includes the United States, Europe, Asia and most of China. The specialist explained that in Mexico, the Starbucks franchises operate in Alsace, together with companies such as Italians and Burger King.

In the Mexican Bolsa of Values, the shares of Alsea cotizan in 45.94 pesos each, and the difference of the operators of fast food on Wall Street, registered a rate of 21.05% this year.

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