Business companies are struggling to make ends meet

Querétaro, Qro. In Querétaro, 35.4% of the companies of the Confederation of Patrons of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) have had some problems in realizing government traumas in the last year, exposing the Data Coparmex 2.0 studio.

The result of the survey, delivered between October and December 2021, equals 212 employees out of the 600 who join the Confederation in the state.

Querétaro se ubica en el tercer national league with minor percentage of Coparmex societies that he had some problem in realizing government traumas in the last year, but consider the indicators of 30 states, even if Morelos and San Luis Potosí do not share information increase the representativeness of sufficient statistics.

Zacatecas leads the list with 76.9% of its companies; Tabasco has 70.2%, Campeche 64.7% and Mexico City has 61.4 per cent.

Mientras tanto, the entities with the most important indicators were Coahuila with 22.2% of the agremiados in this state, Hidalgo with 35% and Querétaro with 35.4%; at the national level, the indicator shows 47.4 per cent.

In terms of the main problems that are taking over the companies in the country to realize some trauma, for 27% the motive would be excessive requisites, for 16% the lack of clarity, for 14% the restricted hours, for 13% the excessive costs, 11% obtuse information incorrectly contradictory, 10% attention in ventanilla and 10% signal that has contradiction with other standards.

The poll also reports that 10.8% of Coparmex’s companies in the state have had some act of corruption in the last year.

With this percentage, Querétaro leads the list of entities with minor levels of societies that he has experienced corruption between 30 entities that bring information (Morelos and San Luis Potosí do not share information).

Coahuila with 11.1% of its societies, Guanajuato with 19.3%, Hidalgo with 20% Colima with 21.4 per cent.

Tabasco saw the state with the highest percentage of victims of corruption, with 76.6 per cent.

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