Brussels Comic Strip Festival: South Korea in the spotlight

It is the cultural return to Brussels. The Belgian capital is hosting the Comic Strip Festival from September 10 to October 10. For health reasons, the organizers have changed their habits. No question of concentrating the event on a weekend and in The same place This edition spans a full month and offers exhibitions throughout the city.

We have more than 10 exhibitions planned during this comic month, explains Micha Kapetanovic, director of Visit Brussels. _Here we are Anspach gallery, in the city center of Brussels where we have two exhibitions. We are here in the exhibition called: Tanz. Just above we have a second exhibition which celebrates Lucky Luke’s 75th birthday, Lucky Luke obviously a great character in the Brussels comic strip. So there you have it, these are really exhibitions that we want to be as immersive as possible, to present comics in a most current, most contemporary light “.

South Korea is the guest of honor this year. The curious will be able to discover the “Manhwa”, the Korean manga. The exhibition entitled “Let’s talk through comics” presents the graphic differences between Belgian and Korean comics, but above all it underlines the common points that cross the two societies, as explained by Shin Myeong-Hwan, curator of the exhibition ” Talking through the comic “

This exhibition is made for communication and speaking, and all this through comics, even if we do not speak the same language. Some comics express different images, sometimes violent, with a thick line or on the contrary with thin lines made in pencil for example. By following all these stories we can find ourselves, like in front of a mirror“.

Despite the covid-19, the signing sessions are maintained and eagerly awaited by enthusiasts.

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