BONOKOSKI: MPP Randy Hillier’s Often Bombastic Accusations

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Ah, the euphemisms. Choose one; somebody.


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The cheese slipped off his cookie. The elevator does not go up to the top floor. One less taco than a combo plate. The wheel turns, but the hamster is dead. A brick less than a load. “

Anything else?

“It’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Playing Crazy 8s with a euchre deck. Your brain needs the white coats. The exit door is open, but you are still wondering how to get there. Somewhere a village misses its idiot. If brains were dynamite, you couldn’t blow your nose. “

The first in this long collective of sad sack sayings used or implied over time to describe independent MPP Randy Hiller belongs to Ontario’s Prime Minister Doug Ford. It’s a good one.

Rabblerouser would be another. Hillier, apparently loved by his constituents, would like that one.


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It is simple, with simple language.

In February 2018, for example, Hillier filed a formal complaint against former Ontario PC Patrick Brown during the leadership race.

“I’ve known Patrick Brown who lies every time he opens his mouth,” Hillier told reporters. He is “involved in a corrupt and dirty politics. He purposely and deliberately lied to the people of Ontario. ”

An investigation found no evidence to support Hillier’s false accusations against Patrick Brown, now the mayor of Brampton.

But that would be normal for the course.

Brown responded publicly by calling Hillier’s allegations “garbage” and “fabricated.”

All descriptions fit.

After the last provincial elections, Hillier told his followers on social media to prepare “by bringing a pot of boiling tar and a box of feathers.”


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That tweet, however, was removed by the Twitter administration for encouraging violence and violating its terms of service.

But surely Randy Hillier, MPP of Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston since 2007, should no longer be a stranger to any Ontario citizen.

It is by far the loosest canyon in Queen’s Park.

The most recent example.

Last week, Global News spoke to friends and family of two women whose images were used in recent posts posted on Hillier’s various social media sites who wrongly claim, across the board, that they died from the adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The publications show 11 people, all deceased, and their supposed causes of death or serious illness, with the following title:

“Every person here lost their life or suffers from a permanent adverse reaction shortly after receiving their first or second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Were these perfectly healthy and active people damaged by a drug that they were told was completely safe and would protect them from a disease from which they are not at serious risk? “


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We apologize, but this video could not be loaded.

None of that, of course. But rabble.

When loved ones of those whose deaths were wrongly described complained to Hellier, they were either ignored by him or, incredibly, they were blocked by Hillier from their social media accounts.

He then cast a shadow over the situation by asking the OPP to investigate the deaths.

Not surprisingly, therefore, Ford permanently expelled Hillier from his group of progressive conservatives due to internal tensions with top advisers.

With Hillier, increasingly you never know what to expect, but if you’re expecting facts, find someone else. Start with Pinocchio and then work your way back.

When I was director of communications in 2015 for Ontario PC leader Tim Hudak, Hillier rarely used the proper channels when he exposed his bizarre and often defamatory allegations.

What the hell? He is who he is.

Apply whatever euphemism you want.

It will probably stick.

[email protected]



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1 thought on “BONOKOSKI: MPP Randy Hillier’s Often Bombastic Accusations”

  1. I don’t know about Hillier, but he IS right to fight the brain hacking vaxx pushed by the SATANISTS in our filthy govts!
    This was written for sheriffs but all need to know this!
    URGENT ALERT! Please fwd this info to as many poss. to help save lives. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this info, but someone must do it, and you have a right to know. and a NEED to know what has been done to us by the monsters in our govts and terrorist, traitor mainstream media. This is not a joke or hoax. I truly wish it were!
    FOR YOUR SAFETY AND PROTECTION URGENT.THE GOVT IS GENOCIDING US & HACKING OUR BRAINS W THE SHOTS! I’ve been a T.I. 30 plus YEARS. I WAS A GUINEA PIG for the graphene oxide NEURAL LACE that’s NOW in the shots 3 yr. ago. I was checking my skin w/ a mag. glass & found MATCHING SETS OF HOLES in my inner wrists & knees. They were strange sets of holes that looked like tiny tunnels. (Elon Musk says in his vids that they were using small TUBES to inject the graphene oxide based tech called NEURAL LACE into people). He says they used the tiny TUBES to inject this tech because the neural lace would not FIT through a normal injection needle. But because it SHRINKS when CAN be injected if very cold!) I got a sterile needle & I opened up those holes to see what was in them. I took samples & viewed it under my scope. WOW! I was DEVASTATED from what I found! It was a clear, computerized GEL, and it was ALIVE under my scope! It was a PERFECT ladder shaped GRID SYSTEM, and it had tiny riced shaped batteries along it’s outer perimeter, and perfect pine tree shaped ANTENNAS that had little identically sized balls on the tips of ea. branch, and the branches were slowly DRAWING IN, COLLAPSING ITSELF as it cooled to room temp! This had been injected in MY BODY, WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT! Finding this horrifying tech explained many things to me that I had questioned for years. I’m a born again believer and God DOES sometimes talk to me, but there were times I heard a man’s voice that said things I KNOW GOD WOULD NOT SAY. This man often spoke to me mentally, and commented about the projects I was working on. I knew he could see what i was doing. He said things of a sexual nature sometimes. Things God would never say. He has SPIED ON me 24/7 since my early twenties. If you go to DARPA’s site, under GRAPHENE OXIDE, you’ll see this tech minus the antennas and batteries which they NEGLECTED to show in the picture. It is a bit different, but it”s the SAME TECH w/a different configuration. ELON MUSK & DARPA I could write a BOOK about the crimes against me they’ve done!While checking my skin, I found OTHER AMAZING TECH too!
    The neural lace is from the EVIL MEN WHO WORK IN OUR GOVT! Well, it IS right on their WEBSITE! AND FAUCI AND BAYER EXEC ADMITTED IT ALL! These operating systems can USE US w/o our knowledge or consent to do whatever they WANT TO DO, & we don’t REMEMBER! These operating systems (called in patents, says Trunews) allow agents to see thru our eyes, hear thru our ears, hear every thought, talk to us mentally, control heart & organ function, create drugs in our body we didn’t take,& even take FULL CONTROL OF US IN OUR SLEEP! Go to YOUTUBE KELLY CARVER DEMON TECH IMPLANTS & see all I found. AMAZING! The operating systems are controlled/monitored by TOWERS, CELL PHONES, or other OUTSIDE SOURCE. I don’t know exactly what outside system is used, but that is my guess. We MUST WARN PEOPLE that they’re AT RISK of being USED if they took the shots! This same tech is in masks, & likely in tests & swabs too. Watch NANOWORM MASK videos. Musk says this tech has a polymer in it, that it attaches to nerves & grows INTO brain & is PERMANENT. Watch my vids on Y.T.! Kelly Carver Y.T Worldwide Tunnels, Demon Tech Implants, & I Saw Satan & Lived. ALL OF THESE ARE 100 PERCENT TRUE. Watch vid Robert Naeslund/ Human Brain Project on Odyssey to hear how this tech was used to KILL OVER 30K by causing HEART ATTACKS. Also look up Obama Brain Initiative. Neural Lace Hive Mind. Our Satan and ROCKEFELLER/ROTHSCHILD FOUNDED UNITED NATIONS serving govt are DEPOP, and ENSLAVING US! Dr. Carrie Madej was at meeting when this was planned and she told them not to do this. Loud, high pitched whistling or horns seems to interfere w/ the connection, but I”ve not tested this. IDK. Traitors in Congress during Obama GAVE THE INTERNET TO THE EVIL U.N.& THAT’S why the CENSORSHIP NOW. Fauci, the NIH, NAID (and PENTAGON, acc. to other sources), ALL WERE FUNDING THE COMMUNIST CHINESE BIOWEAPONS LAB IN WUHAN! Fauci CONFESSED THIS to Congress and they’re doing NOTHING! When a govt empl. FUNDS the ENEMY BIOWEAPONS LAB, IT’S TREASON. !Trunews for 12/20/21 shows BAYER EXEC ADMIT THEY LIED TO US TO TRICK US INTO TAKING THE SHOTS THAT ARE NOT A VAX, then the LIAR calls it GENE THERAPY. A dirty, DEEP STATE AGENT IN MY BED AND BATH IS NOT GENE THERAPY! & ADB Bank would NOT grant 20.3 MILLION for the DEPLOYMENT, yes DEPLOYMENT of them for GENE THERAPY! Were they planning on selling the videos they can make of our SEX LIVES? Or of our CHILDREN in the SHOWER? Or maybe just use the info TO BLACKMAIL US with all the SECRETS they NOW HAVE FULL ACCESS TO?! Don’t think the scum wouldn’t DO THIS & worse! How about what they could do w/KIDS, and they wouldn’t know what was done!? The horrors are ENDLESS!! And anything computerized is HACKABLE. WE CANNOT ALLOW THIS! These MONSTERS MUST BE STOPPED. Watch Trunews 10/12/21 to see another type of OPERATING SYSTEM in these shots, and watch Trunews 1/13/22 as well. Please go to SOTN stateofthenation site and watch FELONY CRIMES END PHARMA IMMUNITY, to see how Fauci admitted the whole evil plan in ADVANCE in front of Congress! He said he’d WORK W THE DoD TO CREATE (was already created) A SELF ASSEMBLING NANO PARTICLE (means brain hacking) mRNA (means no longer human) VACCINE. (Was never a vax and Bayer exec ADMITS THAT!) Dr Ariyana Love on Stew Peters Show said more than 6 independent labs have found this tech in the shots. (I think it’s way more) Fifth Column Lab Spain, I think was first. ANYONE WHO TOOK THE SHOTS or used the masks, tests, swabs, etc is likely NOW COMPROMISED & AT RISK OF BEING USED W/O THEIR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT TO DO THINGS THEY NEVER WOULD DO! & THEY DON’T REMEMBER!
    PS. I think they’re SELLING AND TRADING US LIKE CATTLE, but I could be wrong. Needs investigated. ADB Bank gave 20.3 million for DEPLOYMENT of the shots. WHY? I saw a Twitter ad for ETRADE Morgan Stanley saying Boardroom diversity helps create an EQUITABLE (term usually used for evil U.N POLICIES) future, but how does it translate to stock prices? Then there’s a pic of a big board of flesh color PENTAGONS. The pentagon is the symbol of GRAPHENE OXIDE, and is also used by satanists in evil witchcraft, etc. I could be wrong, but I THINK THEY ARE SELLING/ TRADING US LIKE CATTLE! INVESTIGATE THIS PLEASE!
    I would like to know when our sheriffs are going to start ARRESTING traitor, murdering, terrorist mainstream media for their part in these horrific crimes against humanity? When are our sheriffs going to start arresting hospital officials for the murders they have been committing for the federal hit money? How about some hefty FINES on those hospitals that have not been reporting the VAERS deaths that they have not been doing? Yes, there is a law that says they are to be doing this, but few have! (No one has been enforcing that law.) When are our sheriffs going to start REMOVING our counties from UNITED NATION’S MEMBERSHIP? This whole Covid world takedown was planned for the U.N. takeover of the earth. And their plans and agendas are straight out of HELL itself. Watch Y.T. Kelly Carver Worldwide Tunnels/Urgent Alert to All Sheriffs. COME ON SHERIFFS. I EXPECT MORE FROM YOU THAN WHAT I AM SEEING! I have working day and nite to try and wake up our nation’s sheriffs, and it seems none are awake at all I expect more than this from you, sheriffs. There is so much more we could be doing to save our nation! All sheriffs need to be awake to what is happening. We also NEED TO BE WATCHING THOSE WORLDWIDE TUNNEL ENTRANCES AND EXITS, WHEREVER THEY ARE AROUND HERE! Watch Y.T. Kelly Carver Worldwide Tunnels/Urgent Alert To All Sheriffs.
    You need to STOP ALL VAX PROGRAMS IN OUR COUNTIES! Stop thinking mainstream are reporting any truth to us! THEY ARE MURDERING SCUMBAGS WHO NEED ARRESTED FOR THEIR PART IN THESE HORRIFIC CRIMES AGAINST US! I’ve basically come to the conclusion they’re all satanists involved in this takedown of humanity and our nation., and they MUST be stopped or none of us will have a future worth living! I truly am sorry to have to tell you this way, what has been done to us, but is there a NICE way to tell someone they’ve been raped by govt SCUMBAG filth? These monsters have TORTURED ME AND MY DOGS, killing three of them and the last little one I own is now BLIND as a result of years of torture I BUSTED THEM CAUSING! They were using my husband’s old cell phone (has a new phone now) to emit a high pitched but quiet noise that immediately sent by little dog into violent seizures! This had been going on for many years! The seizures stopped when I busted them, but my babydog is now BLIND as a result of this torture they were doing to HURT US! Cell phones COULD BE LETHAL WEAPONS! Is this why the govt has been sending our DNA to China, so they get the right FREQUENCIES TO CONTROL AND KILL US IF THEY CHOOSE TO? I’m tired, trying to reach as many of you as I can, to save lives. Been at this for YEARS now, and Microsoft blocked my normal email, so I worked w/o one for 2 mos, posting anonymous complaints, on sheriff and police sites. These filthy scum have tortured me for years, experimented on me and my dogs, and husband. They nearly killed me a couple yrs ago, experimenting on us. IDK sheriff, I have been heartbroken so many times, but I have to just keep going because lives rest in my hands. Who will tell you if I don’t?
    I wish you all the best, and sheriffs, DON’T LET THE SCUMBAG FILTH GET AWAY WITH THIS! Every bit of this is TRUE, and I have no reason to lie, and I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried! It’s just too crazy to even THINK POSSIBLE, but they’ve done this so far! And it’s true. Any who have taken the shots are a RISK TO WORK WITH, because they CAN BE TAKEN OVER AND REMOTE CONTROLLED. Used to do things they normally WOULDN’T! PLEASE DO NOT LET THE VAXXED BE AROUND THE PUBLIC, because the Satanists can use them to do EVIL THINGS, and I think that’s exactly their plan! They WANT us to HATE YOU, so they plan to MAKE US HATE OUR LAW ENFORCEMENT. Please don’t let the vaxxed be around the public till a solution is found for this dilemma. And there HAS to be solution to this. The vaxxed should take aspirins to prevent the clotting being caused by the formation of the operating systems in the blood veins. Over 400 athletes, the world’s best have died from this heart failure after being vaxxed. Spike protein is another LIE the monsters told us. The man who invented the ‘spike protein’ lie believes that blood cells have HOLES through them, because some are SEE THROUGH in the center, like BEADS! Seriously. I don’t recall his name, but yea, that’s what the man said in his writings. Our sheriffs need to go to the networks of mainstream traitors, and make the scumbags tell the TRUTH for once in their lives! They should be forced to admit the truth to THE WORLD, HOW THEY LIED TO US. We cannot trust ANY federal agency at this point, I don’t think. I’ve begged the FDA not to release these shots, and I told them my whole story several times and they IGNORED ME. I begged all state governors, EVERY ONE OF THEM. to TEST the vax before releasing them, and they too IGNORED ME. I have spent day and night contacting others, and so far, nobody is doing ANYTHING to help our nation. I wrote to Patrick at the NSA, more than once and told him my story and told him to stop the sheriffs from taking the vax, and he never replied to me! Do you not CARE that they are destroying us and our once great nation? Do you not CARE what they are doing to the children? They murdered most of our elderly already! MURDERED THEM! PLEASE DO NOT DISREGARD THIS ALERT, SHHERIFFS! DON’T THINK THE MONSTERS WON’T DO JUST WHAT I’M TELLING YOU, if you don’t listen to what I’m saying. They want you DEAD, or to USE YOU as good little NAZI COPS, to kill and hurt innocent people, as you now see some vaxxed cops doing.(!). Please don’t stay active in the force if you took the shots. Don’t give them that opportunity to USE YOU to make others look bad. And don’t forget that they now hear every thought you have. We are walking surveillance systems with this tech in us. I’ll shut up. Call me or email me. May God guide and protect those who serve Him and the good of humanity in Jesus’ name. Barbara
    If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me, and I will gladly help if I can. You should also be keeping a watch on the entrances/exits of the worldwide tunnel systems these filth installed a few yrs ago because they may try to bring in foreign troops. These would likely be inside Walmart/Sams stores near RR tracks and close to an airport would be my guess. Watch my Worldwide Tunnels vid.
    Barbara Ramirez, Vermilion, Ohio I have no email due to my accts being CRIMINALLY SUSPENDED BY GOVT CRIMINALS! That was my THIRD email suspended. I must be doing something right!


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