Biden adviser will try to convince AMLO to attend the Summit of the Americas

Mexico City. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that a delegation of organizers of the Summit of the Americas will arrive this Wednesday to discuss Mexico’s proposal not to exclude Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua from this event.

“On Wednesday a commission of the organizers of the Summit is coming, we are going to receive them and we are going to explain why we consider that we should all unite and that it is a stellar moment, it would be something extraordinary, it is to inaugurate a new stage in relations between the countries of America so that we wait and that we do not confront each other, we are going to wait,” he informed at a morning press conference.

The Mexican president also spoke about the possibility that no one be excluded, since so far the United States government has not rejected the participation of all Latin American countries, in addition to the fact that the invitations have not yet been sent.

“I have the hope that everyone will be invited and there has been a very responsible attitude on the part of the United States government, because they have not come out to deny the possibility of all of us participating… I think this is part of a responsible attitude of not to put aside the proposal that many of us in Latin America are making so that no one is excluded, and I have confidence in President Biden, because he is a man who seeks conciliation, who seeks dialogue and I think that is the best “, said.

However, he added that, if no agreement is reached, the bilateral relationship will continue to be one of respect between both nations, without “sanctions or reproaches”, while Mexico will be present at the regional meeting. “Whatever happens, Mexico will be present, with Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, but I would not go, because I think we need unity in Latin America and it is time for deeds, not words, when it comes to the blockade on Cuba in the United Nations, only two countries vote in against, all in favor of removing the blockade, but that is like a ritual every year and they are now free of conscience,” he said.

Flights to Cuba

The Government of President Biden announced yesterday that it will restore a program that allows US citizens and permanent residents to request that their relatives in Cuba can enter the United States without processing immigrant visas.

It will also expand the number of flights to Cuba beyond Havana.

The Biden administration winks after Donald Trump canceled the programs established by President Barack Obama.

The Biden government asked Cuba to release political prisoners.

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