Best Christmas Gifts for Cat and Dog Owners

The Christmas holidays they are the ideal time to spend time with family and friends. And the pets they are part of between 30% and 40% of Spanish households. In fact, recent studies assure that there are currently more households with pets than those inhabited by children under 15 years of age.

According to a animal census prepared by Anfaac This year, there are more than 29 million pets in Spain, of which 9,313,098 dogs, 5,858,649 are cats and the rest are fish, birds, reptiles and small mammals such as rabbits or ferrets. And according to the INE, there would be 6,830,633 children aged 14 and under in Spain in 2020.

In addition, the trend of baby births is down: Spain is an aging country that has more and more elderly people, fewer children and more pets.

With these figures, it is not surprising that Santa Claus, Santa Claus or Olentzero Also remember dogs and cats and leave them a present on Christmas Eve so that they can enjoy it alone or in the company of their owners.


“The most popular gifts for pets at this time are toys: from a basic cone of balls for dogs to scent blankets -which imitate the search for food that the animal would do in nature-, passing through scratchers for cats in the form of a tower or the set of chew toys “, explains Marta, a shop assistant in a Barcelona pet shop.

“Whichever option is chosen, the important thing is to choose a toy that helps them stay in good physical and mental shape. This way, your pet will not only feel happier but you will also prevent him from becoming overweight, it will help him reduce his diseases and heart problems that you may have and will prevent you from suffering from arthritis or joint pain in the future, “he continues. “In addition, they are practical so that cats and dogs do not get bored and vent, which will allow them to rest and sleep better,” he concludes.

But, as with all Christmas gifts, there are many options:

As with people, animals also need good sleep and rest to be in perfect shape. And, as also happens with articles for people, there are infinite varieties and prices, which can range from 35 euros for the simplest sofa to 200 euros for the largest bed or sofa.

Eating and drinking is, along with sleep and rest, another of the basic needs of dogs and cats. There are a wide range of items on the market for your pet to administer food at its discretion or on a scheduled basis, the so-called intelligent feeders or ‘smart’. Obviously, the more sophisticated the feeder, the more expensive it will be. It is best to find one that suits your pet (volume of food) and their needs. As for the drinkers, it is best to opt for a homemade fountain, which are containers designed to provide fresh water continuously, since it keeps the liquid in constant motion.

Treats, as with toys, are a gift that, in general, all cats and dogs like. You can find them based on meat or fish, chicken, tuna, salmon, ham bones or deer antlers, among many others, all with natural ingredients and a great flavor. Why not prepare the typical Santa Claus sock or hat, with an assortment of their favorite Christmas snacks?

A good gift for your four-legged friend is a new harness or necklace. Or maybe, if you live in an area where it usually rains, a raincoat. If what he does is a cold that strikes and your friend has little hair or his ancestors come from warm lands, perhaps you can give him a sweater with which, in addition, he will become the envy of the rest of the users of his pipicán. It is also not a bad option to give him a life jacket with adjustable neoprene straps to take your pet to sail safely.

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Gadgets or electronic items

From a GPS tracker that monitors your movements (and tracks the exercise your dog or cat performs daily) to a warm or cold blanket, there are multiple electronic gadgets with which to carry your connected pet. The GPS tracker is pill-shaped or built into the collar that is attached to the animal and is suitable for professional ‘escapists’: cats and dogs that like to go for a walk alone and that may become disoriented or not know how return home, since the tracker sends signals of its position. In addition, they are waterproof and shock resistant devices, suitable for the ‘life of dogs’ that they are going to carry. Giving a blanket that gives your pet warmth on winter days or cold summer days is also a gadget that your dog or cat will appreciate.

Club Understand + Animals and plants of EL PERIÓDICO

At the Understanding + Animals and Plants Club of EL PERIÓDICO we are lovers of living beings and we are interested in everything related to them. Here we will explain everything related to your pets and how to get the most out of your plants, always from an ecological and sustainable point of view. It is very easy to join the club. Register in Entre Todos and write to us, explaining your concerns or sharing your own experiences.

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